Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1900 strange feeling

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xueluo finished a party, and it was already late at night when she returned home.

Seeing the familiar shoes of the man at the door, Ning Xueluo's expression brightened.

Su Yan is back.

Pushing open the bedroom door, through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, I saw Su Yan standing on the balcony.

"Brother are back...I miss you so much..."

Feeling the soft body embracing behind him, Su Yan's body stiffened a little, then he turned around and looked at the girl in front of him, "Are you done?"

Ning Xueluo nodded, looking a little distressed, "Recently, history and Xinghui have frequent accidents, especially Xinghui...because of my sister's return...the promotional ceremony of "The World" we had prepared for a long time was messed up, Zixuan There are also constant problems... Ah, by the way, brother Yan, do you know? My sister is back!"

Su Yan nodded, "I heard."

Ning Xueluo's eyes dimmed, guessing that Su Yan must have known the truth about Ning Xi's disappearance for a year, and said in a guilty tone, "I didn't expect such a big thing to happen to my sister this year. I know, but I can't help..."

Su Yan didn't reply, but looked at the dark night sky not far away, with a secretive expression on his face.

Looking at Su Yan's expression, Ning Xueluo felt a strong uneasiness for no reason.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think that Su Yan should have returned from a business trip yesterday, but suddenly disappeared for a whole day.

Where did he go from arriving at the airport to before returning home?

Really just in the company? Didn't even come back at night...

But as far as she knows, the company has not been so busy recently...

Because she was too busy these two days, she didn't pay much attention to his whereabouts. When she came back just now, she was planning to call his assistant, but she saw that Su Yan had already returned...

What worried her the most was...would Su Yan already know about Ning Xi and the dealer?

After he knew Ning Xi's identity, would he be like Zheng Minjun...

A year ago, she had already noticed that something was wrong with Su Yan, because of Ning Xi's sudden disappearance, her worry was over before it even started, but now, Ning Xi is back again...

The more Ning Xueluo thought about it, the more uneasy she became.

Damn it, why did she forget such an important thing, just ignoring Su Yan's side!

Even if it is ten companies, it is not as important as her catching Su Yan and the Su family!

Including dealing with Zheng Minjun, the reason why she has remained calm until now is because her greatest confidence is Su Yan.

Even if Zheng Minjun had objections to her, as long as Su Yan stood by her side, then Zheng Minjun would have nothing to do with her, even if Su Hongguang came forward in person.

But now, looking at the man in front of her who has always been under her control, she suddenly lost her confidence...

Even at this moment, the expression he looked at her gave her an extremely strange feeling.

Since when did this man who was obedient and devoted to him gradually lose the heat and warmth in his eyes when looking at him?

His heart is not with her, where did he go...

A sinister light flashed in Ning Xueluo's eyes, and in the next second, her eyes were reddened, and a moist mist appeared in her eyes, as if she had suffered a huge grievance, she threw herself into Su Yan's arms, "Brother Yan ...what to do...I'm so scared..."

Seeing the girl's expression of extreme panic and fear, Su Yan took back the words that were about to blurt out, "What's wrong? What happened?"

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