Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1950 Madam can naturally

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi shook her head with a helpless expression, it really was Xu Tao's style of handling things.

This move is really bad.

"Ning Xi, how on earth did you get selected? It was appointed by Jayers!" Xu Tao hurriedly asked after flicking his tail.

So Ning Xi told Xu Tao the detailed process again, and Xu Tao listened to the whole process without blinking his eyes.


After leaving the private club, Ning Xi returned directly to Lu Town.

After chatting with Jayers for a long time, Ning Xi finally understood why part of the casting for "Killer" was in China.

According to Geers, his youngest daughter, Caroline, likes Huaguo very much, and some of the scenes and plots in "Killer" are also located in China.

Of course, after the filming of "Killer" officially starts, and the filming of the domestic plot is completed, it is still necessary to go to various countries with the crew to continue to select locations for filming.

"How is it? Did it go well?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

"Killer", an old Hollywood movie, was once a sensation. Lu Tingxiao had also seen it, and knew how much Ning Xi liked this movie. He even did not hesitate to study the script for a long time for a supporting role that didn't have many roles.

"Woooooooo didn't go well, the role I auditioned for was not selected!" Ning Xi cried and rushed over to be caressed and comforted.

Lu Tingxiao was naturally distressed, so he tried to comfort him softly.

As a result, as soon as I finished speaking, I saw the girl raised her head like a little fox, and there was no trace of sadness in her eyes, "Hehehe, although I didn't choose the role for the audition, but... the film crew asked me to play the role of the female killer ..."

"..." Hearing Ning Xi's words, even Lu Tingxiao was a little surprised.

Originally thought that Ning Xi failed the audition, but never thought that she would get the role of the female lead instead.

In Hollywood, the status of the Chinese is low. As we all know, it is hard to find a supporting role, let alone a heroine.

"My dear, did you know that today my idol invited me to meet him personally!" Ning Xi said excitedly.

"Jers?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

"How do you know!" Ning Xi curled her lips, originally wanting to show off to Lu Tingxiao.

"Except for Jayce himself, who else can make you so excited." Lu Tingxiao said in a doting tone.

His favorite thing was the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her work.

"Mr. Geers, he is really a gentleman and kind, not at all what I imagined, just like an ordinary and kind grandfather!

And you know what? The heroine Caroline is actually Jayers' daughter, but it's a pity that Caroline has already passed away..." Ning Xi's expression was full of regret and regret, and at the same time she became more determined to act in this play well.

"My dear, I must act in this play to perfection."

"Of course Ma'am can." Lu Tingxiao said, thinking of something, an imperceptible glint flashed in his deep eyes.


"Killer" was very efficient and quickly notified Ning Xi to try on makeup.

On that day, Ning Xi arrived early.

In the dressing room, a Caucasian man with western beauty walked up to Ning Xi, staring at Ning Xi naked with blue eyes.

"You are Ning Xi, an actor from Huaguo." The white girl smiled.

"Hi, I'm Ning Xi." Ning Xi replied politely.

"I've heard about you... It seems that you have been in Hollywood before, and acted in a movie, the one that was released recently?" The white girl stretched out her hand towards Ning Xi.

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