Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1951 Be careful

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The white girl in front of her was not too unfamiliar to Ning Xi, she was a well-known actress in Hollywood.

The filming of "Killer" has a very luxurious cast.

The male lead is played by Hollywood actor Stewart.

Because of the long conversation with Jayers yesterday, Ning Xi already knew all about the current cast. This white girl played the assistant of the first male in the "Killer" movie.

"You are so amazing, you can actually play the role of the first female killer, and play a lot of rivalry with Wei Di." The white girl looked envious.

Although the outside world doesn't know everything yet, the fact that the heroine has been changed to a Chinese actor has already exploded inside.

Even Ning Xi herself thought it was due to a lot of luck for getting the female lead role. After all, Ning Xi had almost no idea about the female lead role in "Killer".

However, now that she has obtained it, she will naturally go all out.

"However, Miss Ning Xi, you have to be careful." The white girl looked around and lowered her voice.

"Be careful?" Ning Xi was puzzled.

The caucasian girl nodded and said softly: "The role of the female lead has already been decided by the film crew, and Lilian will be the lead actor, but then the film crew issued a notice to replace the female lead role with you as the leading role. Now Lilian It was replaced by the second female villain..."

Lilian is the hottest actress in Hollywood in recent years. When the movie "Killer" was about to be re-shot, Lilian had been contacted. After auditions, Lilian was confirmed to play the female lead.

However, with Ning Xi's arrival, the film crew's decision suddenly changed. It was said that even many high-level executives didn't know why they made the sudden change. Everyone was very curious about Ning Xi.

The white girl seemed to be afraid of Lilian, so she just told Ning Xi to be more careful.

Ning Xi already knew about this matter, and asked Jayers about it, so she didn't take it to heart.

The female lead role in "Killer" is the decision of the producer, Giles, and has nothing to do with her, let alone snatched it by herself. She can do it with a clear conscience and go all out.

"What the hell, the role of Lilian's female lead was actually replaced by the film crew, and an actor from Huaguo was cast as the lead role. I don't know what the film crew thinks!"

"I asked before, what is the name of that actor from Hua Country, Ning Xi? Although he is famous in Hua Country, he is not qualified in Hollywood at all!"

Soon, two black girls walked into the dressing room.

The eyes of the two black girls fell on Ning Xi instantly.

One of the black girls looked at Ning Xi and said with a sneer, "It's really not easy for actors from Huaguo to make a name for themselves in Hollywood. No matter how many movies they have acted in, they still have to leave in the end." !"

"There are always people who want to go to Hollywood, but in the end it seems that none of them stay!"

What the two black girls said was obviously for Ning Xi.

Before the two black girls could continue to say something, several makeup artists from the crew finally arrived.

"Hello everyone, we are the makeup artists of the crew, and today the crew asked us to try on everyone's outfits."

Headed by middle-aged woman, smiling.

After hearing the sound, the two black girls stopped talking, sat on the chairs, and looked in the mirror respectively.

"Miss Ning Xi, hello, my name is Lisa, and I'm your makeup artist."

The middle-aged woman walked up to Ning Xi and introduced herself.

"Hello, I'm sorry." Ning Xi nodded.

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