Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1962 Looking for the White Tiger

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Who could hurt you like this?" Ning Xi couldn't help asking.

"Well, don't mention it." Han Xiao seemed too lazy to continue discussing this matter.

"Master, you're so awesome, how could you be hurt like this?" Lu Jingli looked at Han Xiao and asked desperately.

"Boy, I was attacked while I was asleep." Han Xiao rolled his eyes.

"Master, you are so good, why did you get attacked?" Lu Jingli was very puzzled.

"I'm so awesome, do you believe that I can kill you with one blow?" Han Xiao stared at Lu Jingli.

"Master... the guy who sneaked up on you is a bastard. As the saying goes, smart people don't do secret things, especially for a life-and-death duel with a master like you, how could you use such despicable and shameless methods..." Lu Jingli's face was full of hatred.

"Ning Xi, who is this?" Han Xiao looked at Ning Xi in confusion.

" I was frightened by your white tiger just now, so I'm a bit talkative, don't mind..." The corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched slightly.

"By the way, why were you brought here by a tiger?" Ning Xi asked with doubts in her heart.

"That's my friend." Han Xiao yawned: "The albino giant Bengal tiger... has been with me since I was a child, seven years."

Ning Xi was a little speechless, but she really guessed it, it really was the beast raised by this pervert.

"Hey, where's my white tiger?"

Only then did Han Xiao suddenly realize that Bai Hu was not there, and looked around.

"Why didn't you let my white tiger in?" Han Xiao asked in surprise.

Ning Xi helped her forehead helplessly, "Please God, not everyone is as perverted as you, it's a beast you raised, you use your toes to think, who would dare to let a tiger into the house without knowing it? "

"What are you afraid of? My white tiger is smarter than humans, so he won't talk to you." Han Xiao immediately stood up and went out to find the white tiger.

"Let him rest well," Lu Tingxiao said.

Ning Xi nodded, and quickly pulled Han Xiao back, "You just lie down, don't make trouble anymore, please!"

The wound has just been sterilized and sutured, and I cannot exercise. If I go out to get infected or the thread is broken, it will be very troublesome.

"I'll help you find it." Lu Tingxiao put on his coat.

The person in front of him had saved Xiaobao and Ning Xi before, and he would help him with his affairs out of emotion and reason.

"Follow me." Lu Tingxiao said to Lu Jingli.

The bad news came so suddenly that Lu Jingli was on the verge of tears, "Brother... the Great God is inseparable from people, you see how badly he was injured, and when he gets thirsty or something, I can help..."

Asking him to go out to find a giant white tiger in the middle of the night is like a real brother!

Ning Xi was speechless, "My dear, let me go with you."

After speaking, he said to Lu Jingli, "You stay at home and take care of the Great God."

Lu Jingli nodded like a rattle.

So in the hall of the room, only Lu Jingli and Han Xiao were left staring at each other.

"Master, can you teach me how to tame a tiger?" Lu Jingli took advantage of this great opportunity to ask.

Han Xiao: "Does the tiger need to be tamed?"

Lu Jingli: "..."


In the dark night, the two looked around for the white tiger.

If this is not found before dawn, it will probably cause a riot when the people in the town are shocked by dawn.

After searching around for about a quarter of an hour, Ning Xi stood still on a small hillside, shining a flashlight in front of her, and immediately grabbed Lu Tingxiao: "Look!"

Lu Tingxiao turned around and followed the light of the flashlight.

There was a huge white tiger lying on the ground, its eyes were also staring at Ning Xi and Lu Tingxiao.

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