Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1963 baby follow me home

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!


Lu Tingxiao immediately protected Ning Xi behind him.

Although he knew in his heart that Han Xiao's white tiger was extremely human, in fact, it was not difficult to see from the fact that the white tiger came here with Han Xiao on his back, and the behavior of the white tiger afterwards.

But almost instinctively, human beings still maintain a certain degree of vigilance against the beasts at the top of the food chain.


Ning Xi stared at the giant Bengal tiger, and tentatively called out.

Hearing Ning Xi's call, Bai Hu seemed a little hesitant, and stood up slowly, waving his long snowy tail towards Ning Xi.

Looking at the white tiger, Lu Tingxiao couldn't help being amazed.

Some of his friends abroad have raised ferocious beasts such as brown bears, ligers, tigers and leopards, but it is very rare for them to be so humane.

Soon, Bai Hu walked beside Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi, very quiet.

"Honey, don't be afraid, come home with us." Ning Xi couldn't help touching the white tiger.

Baihu shook his body, looking very docile.

"Baby is awesome!"

He didn't expect to use Xiaobao's way of treating Baihu to be effective. Of course, the most important thing is that she has Han Xiao's aura on her body. He knows that he has no malicious intentions, and it belongs to Han Xiao.

Ning Xi couldn't help admiring Han Xiao again, how he tamed a beast at the top of the food chain to become like this...

"Let's go."

Lu Tingxiao didn't dare to relax, he protected Ning Xi from the side, and walked towards the small garden building.

Along the way, Ning Xi couldn't help but turn her head to stare at the white tiger all the time. If the white tiger wasn't too big, Ning Xi would have liked to hold the white tiger in her arms.

"My dear, I want to feed a white tiger too!" Ning Xi couldn't help but said.

"Unless Han Xiao helps you tame it." Lu Tingxiao said.

Ordinary cats and dogs are nothing more than ordinary cats and dogs. Like this kind of ligers at the top of the natural food chain, it is best not to mess with them. Even if they are raised from a young age, when the tiger is an adult, a little carelessness may lead to tragedy.

"Ask him to help me tame it? I'm afraid I can't afford it." Ning Xi shook her head. After Han Xiao tamed her, would it still be hers...

But, it's so cute and cute!

Seeing the white tiger waving its snow-colored long tail and staring at her with soft eyes, Ning Xi felt like her heart would be melted by this giant albino Bengal tiger.

What kind of beast is this? It's a super cute beast, okay?

What kind of cat to raise, what kind of dog to raise... If you want to raise it, you should raise a tiger!


Back to the small garden building, half an hour has passed.

Fortunately, the small building is designed with double doors, otherwise, the body of the albino giant Bengal tiger would not be able to squeeze in at all.

Even so, it was not easy for the white tiger to enter the room.

"Oh my god……"

Lu Jingli stared at the white tiger in the living room, feeling his scalp tingling and goose bumps all over his body.

Occasionally, Lu Jingli's body trembled when he was caught by the white tiger's domineering gaze.

If this thing suddenly became violent, a hundred of them would not be enough to be killed by that huge tiger paw.

"Little baby, be careful!"

Since Ning Xi came back, she has been clinging to the white tiger, stroking the white tiger with both hands, the soft hair is so comfortable!

Best feel ever!

"shake hands!"

Ning Xi held the white tiger's giant paws with both hands, and touched the soft pads. It was an invincible enjoyment...

What is surprising is that the white tiger's sharp claws, when playing with Ning Xi, took the initiative to put them into the pads, as if afraid of accidentally hurting Ning Xi.

"My little baby, I really love you to death!"

Ning Xi became acquainted with the white tiger in a short time, held the white tiger's head in her hands, and kissed it on the forehead.

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