Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1974 Get closer to her

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At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Seeing someone coming, Wang Haojun immediately stood up, "President Su...why are you here?"

After Su Yan transferred all the shares in his hand to Ning Xueluo, he seldom asked about the affairs here.

Could it be that Ning Xueluo asked him to come here?

It must be so!

How about borrowing the power of the Su family?

A gleam of hope suddenly bloomed in Wang Haojun's eyes, "Mr. Su, this time the people under his command are not doing well. I cannot escape the blame for losing such an important cooperation! But the most urgent thing now is to find a way to make up for it. Is there any good way?"

Su Yan looked at the newspaper on Wang Haojun's desk.

The headline on the front page was a photo of Ning Xi sitting in the female lead of "Killer" being interviewed, and the headline read: The Glory of Hollywood: Ning Xi.

Su Yan looked at the photo, and his eyes suddenly felt a dull pain.

his girl...

He should have gone to her a long time ago and answered her.

But now, he could only break his promise to her again and avoid her in embarrassment.

"President Su...President Su?"

Su Yan withdrew his gaze from the newspaper, "The artists under the banner are not as skilled as others, how to make up for it?"

Wang Haojun was taken aback when he heard that, "Cough, but Zixuan is now our Xinghui's first sister after all, her face is Xinghui's face, this time Ning Xi crushed her like this, our Xinghui's face really can't bear it! "

"Natural selection, she can't do it, then replace someone else and speak with their strength."

Wang Haojun was so choked by Su Yan that he couldn't speak.

However, although Su Yan's words were not pleasant, they were not unreasonable.

The role has been determined, the deal is done, and this cannot be changed.

Now that Han Zixuan has been suppressed like this, Xinghui can't always put all their resources in one bowl.

"I understand what President Su means." Wang Haojun said.

"Well, Xueluo is not feeling well these days, so please contact me directly if you have anything to do." Su Yan said, and a trace of bitterness flashed in his eyes.

Now he can only use this method to get closer to her...

"Okay, I see." Wang Haojun nodded.

Now that Su Yan replaced Ning Xueluo to manage Xinghui, although he couldn't reverse the current situation, he could only comfort himself, at least he had an extra backstage.

Not long after Su Yan left, Zheng Anru rushed into Wang Haojun's office as if looking for fire.

"Mr. Wang! You must seek justice for our Zixuan! Zixuan was so angry that she was sent to the hospital! That bitch Ning Xi didn't know what kind of conspiracy she used to parachute the female number one. This is completely shady! How can we, Zixuan, match up with that kind of person, isn't this..."

Wang Haojun interrupted Zheng Anru's chattering with displeasure, "Okay, don't blame others for everything, I've spent all my resources on her, how can I seek justice for her? Gilles personally produced The leading actress in the movie, is this something that can be done by just tricks and tricks?"

Even if the Lu family uses any relationship, the actor must have enough strength to convince the crew, and even Jayers himself. This is even more difficult than having a relationship!

After all, it is absolutely impossible for Jayers to smash his own brand.

If Wang Haojun only had some regrets before, now he has basically regretted it to the point of doubting his life.

If Ning Xi stayed with Xinghui, this miracle, this great honor, would all belong to Xinghui, and his name, Wang Haojun, would forever be left in the history of the entertainment industry.

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