Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1975 Warning

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Thinking of this, Wang Haojun felt even worse, and said in a deep voice, "Now that things are like this, if she is not satisfied with this role and doesn't want to go, then I will arrange someone else!"

"President Wang, that's not what I meant..." Zheng Anru hurriedly said.

What she meant was that she wanted to snatch the heroine over, not just quit the crew.

Wang Haojun said in a bad tone, "Then prepare well. Since she is ill, you can let her stay at home to recuperate well during this time, and study her acting skills more by the way! Now it is so intense, she is not the only artist in the company!"

Zheng Anru naturally understood such an obvious warning, and wanted to say something else, but fearing to offend Wang Haojun even more, he could only walk out in a whisper.

Zheng Anru had actually expected this result, but she was really unwilling!

Why was it that the hottest actress in the entertainment industry that she single-handedly brought out was overwhelmed by an outdated Ning Xi in the end?


After the press conference, Han Zixuan lost so much face this time, she finally went back quickly and didn't dare to brag.

Shengshi Entertainment held a lively celebration banquet.

Everyone was full of joy and hope was restored.

After all, from what happened with Qin Shuang and Jiang Muye, it can be seen that Ning Xi is not the kind of person who monopolizes resources by herself. On the contrary, since Ning Xi came back, she has never forgotten to find resources for them.

Suddenly, Ning Xi's prestige in the hearts of all the staff and artists of Glory World Entertainment reached its peak.

Soon after, "Killer" entered into intense shooting.

Ning Xi was on the set with the script in her hand, but whenever she had free time, she would study it carefully.

The most rare thing was that guy Jiang Muye, who almost lived in the crew, so serious that he became obsessed.

Lei Ming was so moved that he burst into tears, his family's brat finally grew up!

The filming of the plot that took place in China was completed in about a week.

Ning Xi and Jiang Muye, along with the crew, went to Europe to continue filming.


At the same time, Huaguo Financial's market was suddenly hit hard in a short period of time.

Most of Huaguo's financial indicators, including short-term interest rates, monetary assets, securities and real estate, and even the stocks of some listed companies, were impacted and deteriorated.

As for the deterioration of the stock, the first to bear the brunt is Huaguo's Lu Corporation.

Lu Group's subsidiaries are spread all over Asia, and they are the bellwether of China's economic system, controlling the economic lifeline of almost the entire Asia.

Once the Lu Group collapses, it will have a huge impact on the entire Hua country's economic system.

In the conference hall, Lu Tingxiao's deep pool-like eyes were filled with darkness.

"Brother, what's going on?" Lu Jingli hurried to the meeting room, just in time to see that Lu Tingxiao hadn't left yet.

Lu Tingxiao looked at the complicated data on the computer screen, "Someone is behind the scenes."

The current economy in China is in a mess, very much like the bubble economy in the past. Once the bubble bursts, the consequences will be disastrous.

And if they want to bring down Huaguo's economy, the first thing they have to deal with is the Lu family.

"But who has such great ability? This is simply impossible!"

The other party's goal is not one or two companies, but the entire Huaguo. How much power should it be able to do?

Now, some of the large and small shareholders of the Lu Group issued an announcement three days ago to sell their stocks to the outside world.

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