Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1979 Long-term meal ticket ! ! 】

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The second time Ning Xi received a call from the Great God, Ning Xi didn't make such a fuss anymore, she just frowned slightly, thinking to herself, maybe she was asked to pay the bill again?

"Little girl~"

"Master, which KFC are you at, I'll pay the bill right now." Ning Xi asked very obediently.

"You don't need to pay the bill." Han Xiao said on the other end of the phone.

It's so good this time?

Ning Xi was surprised, "Then you are looking for me?"

"Take my white tiger away." Han Xiao said.

"Uh... huh? What are you talking about?"

"This guy eats my half a year's food expenses a day, and the whole family can't afford to eat KFC these days. All I can ask for is a chicken leg, and I can't even drink milk tea..." Han Xiao sighed, full of resentment.

The emperor is no better than a forest, and it is really difficult to feed a white tiger.

Especially like Han Xiao, who couldn't even afford to support himself, let alone feed and drink the white tiger.

She found that although the great master is powerful, his ability to take care of himself is almost negative. She really doesn't know how he survived until now.

Ning Xi: "So what do you mean?"

"Help me raise it for a few days!" Han Xiao said bluntly.

"..." Ning Xi didn't want to say anything now.

The first time I asked her to pay the bill, the second time I asked her to cook the meal ticket directly, and it was a meal ticket for a tiger with a huge appetite!

Fortunately...for this request, Ning Xi couldn't wish for it!

Ow! Her little cute tiger~

"No problem, just send it over here! I'm in the same town as last time!"

Not long after hanging up the phone, Han Xiao couldn't wait to send the white tiger to Lu Town.

Fortunately, Lu Town is remote and belongs to an undeveloped area, and it is already night, otherwise the appearance of this white tiger may cause panic.

After seeing the white tiger next to Han Xiao, Ning Xi immediately rubbed her eyes brightly, "Master, what does it usually eat?"

"Feed whatever you want!" Han Xiao yawned lazily, but just waved his hand and walked away.

The corners of Ning Xi's mouth twitched slightly, and she sighed and touched Bai Hu's big head, "Your master is too unreliable, you should hang out with me in the future! Custodian has raised you to be fat and fat!"


Ning Xi was talking to Bai Hu with her head down, when suddenly, her legs gave way, and a soft little dumpling rushed towards her.

"Oh! Little baby! I miss me so much! Hurry up and give mommy a hug~"

Little Treasure clung to Ning Xi's arms, full of joy. At this moment, seeing the white tiger next to Ning Xi from the corner of his eye, his eyes widened, "Mom! Be careful!"

After the little guy finished speaking, he quickly rushed between Ning Xi and Bai Hu, and made a blocking posture, staring at the opposite tiger like a little tiger.

Ning Xi was so moved that she rubbed the little guy's head, "Don't worry, little treasure, this is mom's friend and won't hurt anyone."

"Mom's friend?"


Hearing what Ning Xi said, Xiao Bao relaxed.

After losing vigilance, he looked at the big white tiger with curiosity.

"Come on, let's go in and play again, don't scare the other neighbors."


So, Ning Xi led the little bun and the big white tiger into the house.

Hearing the sound from the entrance, Lu Tingxiao knew that Ning Xi was back, so he subconsciously looked in the direction of the entrance.

After seeing the familiar white tiger appearing beside Ning Xi, Lu Tingxiao was taken aback, "Is Han Xiao here?"

Ning Xi shrugged, "No, it's that guy who said he couldn't afford it anymore and asked me to help raise it for a few days! This master is too unreliable!"

[囧囧 PS: Emma is exhausted and I blame it... There are still a few chapters in the future, but I need to modify it, so I will update here first~ Babies who want to add readers and tribes can go to the top post in my comment area to check~ 】

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