Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1980 Breaking into the Tiger's Den

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Hearing this, Lu Tingxiao looked suspicious.

Han Xiao seems to be a person who doesn't know much about the world, but he always feels that this person is not that simple.

Everything he does, which seems strange and absurd, actually has his own meaning.

Although you can't guess the other party's intentions, you can be sure that the other party is a friend rather than an enemy.

On the other side, Ning Xi and Xiao Bao had completely played with the big white tiger.

The two fed the big white tiger bite by bite.

Seeing the white tiger swaying the snowy tail behind him after eating and drinking, lying on the ground with his belly spread out, letting Xiaobao rub against it, Ning Xi was overwhelmed.

"Come and eat." Lu Tingxiao helplessly looked at the big and small lying on the ground.

Perhaps, it is possible to consider raising a pet for them?

"Oh! Here we come!"

Only then did Ning Xi reluctantly look away from the big white tiger, and was about to eat, when the big white tiger sat up straight immediately, staring straight at the door with a pair of tiger eyes, and from the throat Let out a low growl that resembles a warning.


There was a crisp sound, and the door was smashed open.

Two masked men in black clothes rushed in instantly.

"Follow us..."

One of the men, before he finished speaking, suddenly saw the albino Bengal tiger beside Ning Xi from the corner of his eye.

With his professionalism and common sense, it is enough to know what the creature in front of him means.

This is no ordinary white tiger in the zoo!

The man froze for about three seconds.

"Sorry, we went to the wrong place!"

One of them reacted faster and pulled his companion to leave.

However, the white tiger let out a huge roar, leaped out like a feathered arrow, and stopped in front of the door.

With this roar, even Ning Xi trembled slightly, and her mind was in a trance.

You must know that in the wild, the roar of a white tiger can shake the ground, let alone feel the tiger's roar at such a close distance.

As for the man in black, under the roar of the tiger, his body was unstable and he almost fell to the ground.

Seeing that the white tiger didn't rush forward immediately, the two men ran away as if fleeing for their lives.

Soon, two of Lu Tingxiao's subordinates rushed in panting, "BOSS! Are you alright!"

The other was startled when he saw the white tiger at the door, "This...this is..."

"What's going on?" Lu Tingxiao asked in a deep voice.

"Someone broke into the ban, but the other party was obviously a professional mercenary. When we found out, he had already touched the vicinity!" The subordinates were full of self-blame.

Lu Tingxiao frowned slightly. After all, Lu Town was a residential area, so it was impossible for him to guard it too closely.

And no matter how tight the defense is, as long as the opponent sends a high-level person, there will be a possibility of being broken.

The defense around him has been as extreme as possible, which shows that the level of these two people is at least A.

There is no need to guess about the forces that can recruit A-level mercenaries.

Seeing the white tiger swaying vigilantly around Lu Tingxiao's two men, Ning Xi hurriedly went to bring the white tiger back, "Baby, come back! They are not enemies!"

"Dabai, come!" Xiaobao beckoned to Baihu.

As if he understood what Ning Xi and Xiaobao said, Baihu flicked his snow tail and walked towards Xiaobao who was holding a piece of beef in his hand.

At this moment, Ning Xi looked out the door and frowned slightly.

This period of time seems to be uneven.

Some time ago, she had encountered a stalker once, and was finally dealt with by Han Xiao.

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