Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1981 Get a master to be your bodyguard

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi was afraid that Lu Tingxiao would be worried about being followed, so she didn't tell him.

Tonight, someone even broke into Luzhen and broke through the door of the small garden building.

Fortunately, Han Xiao's Baihu was there this time, otherwise, even if she and Lu Tingxiao could deal with these two, but Xiaobao is here today, if there is even the slightest mistake, she dare not imagine the consequences.

With the white tiger here at present, it should be fine for the time being.

"Don't worry, I'll let Tang Lang come over, you'd better not go out these few days," Lu Tingxiao said.

Ning Xi nodded, "Well, let's send Xiaobao to the old house first! And you have to be careful too!"

The other party's goal was obviously her. Of course, it was more likely that Lu Tingxiao was also included this time.



After two days of calm, the other party seemed to have no plans to attack again, probably preparing for the next wave.

It was Han Xiao who came uninvited.

After Baihu saw Han Xiao, he was very excited and rushed towards Han Xiao.

"Well, the food is good~"

Seeing that the white tiger was full of energy, Han Xiao smiled.

"That's right, don't look at who raised it, why don't you just give it to me to raise it, so that you don't have to live and sleep with you!" Ning Xi looked more and more reluctantly.

"That won't work." Han Xiao shook his head.

Ning Xi was just talking casually, knowing that Han Xiao would definitely not agree.

"Hey, Great God~" Suddenly, Ning Xi grabbed Han Xiao.

"What are you doing? Do you want to invite me to dinner?" Han Xiao glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

Ning Xi choked immediately.

If you don’t know how to eat, it will affect your glorious image a lot!

"It's such a great master, I was targeted by killers, and someone broke into Lu Town to sneak attack the night before yesterday... Great master, please protect me, my thigh~~~" Ning Xi stared.

"No, I have something else to do." Han Xiao resolutely refused.

"Is it urgent?" Ning Xi thought that if the other party made things difficult, she would naturally not force it.

"KFC has a new set menu, I'm going to line up." Han Xiao looked serious.

"I'll go... God, please stop playing with me, please? Besides, how can you keep your words!" Ning Xi complained.

"Speaking doesn't count?" Han Xiao was puzzled.

Ning Xi took out and took out the whistle that Han Xiao had given her at the beginning: "Did you say that you promised me one thing and returned my favor, and then gave me this whistle back?"

Fortunately, the whistle was still there. Later, Lu Tingxiao helped her pick it up.

"Hasn't the favor been paid back? I was the one who saved you last time!" Han Xiao said.

"No." Ning Xi shook her head resolutely, "It wasn't me who blew the whistle last time."

"So what if it wasn't you who blew it, I did save you." Han Xiao's expression was quite natural.

"Did I ask you to save me?" Ning Xi asked back.

Han Xiao thought about it seriously, and then said: "No."

"Since I didn't blow the whistle, and I didn't ask you to save me...then how can I repay this favor... My God, are you right?" Ning Xi said with a smile, her expression more natural.

"Yes..." Han Xiao subconsciously said.

"Master, I knew you were the most reasonable!" Ning Xi immediately praised Han Xiao to her death.

If Han Xiao could control the place here, she would still be afraid of a killer!

So no matter what you say, you have to trick the Great God!

Han Xiao wanted to argue, but was dumb.

What Ning Xi said was not wrong at all, she didn't blow the whistle, nor did she beg herself to ask for help...

"It always feels a bit wrong..." Han Xiao stared blankly at the little girl opposite.

Ning Xi: "I'll let someone line up to buy a new set meal for you, and it will be delivered to you within half an hour!"

Han Xiao: "Okay!"

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