Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1982 Playing with the Great God

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At the same time, Tang Lang was wearing a flowered shirt and sandals, and was coming to the small garden building.

"Boss, what do you want me to do?" Tang Lang asked as soon as he entered the door.

Ning Xi poked her head and glanced at the door, "Second Senior Brother, you are here. You were supposed to have something to do, but now it's all right."

"SO, what's the matter?" Tang Lang was a little speechless, he was told to come all the way to play!

"It's been a rough few days. There was a sneak attack by a killer the night before yesterday. I wanted to invite you to the place." Ning Xi explained.

"Killer..." Tang Lang glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and saw Han Xiao not far away.

Immediately, Tang Lang's heart skipped a beat: "Damn it! Why is this guy here? Then what kind of killer must be this guy!"

Ning Xi gave him a blank look, "I invited the Great God to take over the place, okay?"

Hearing the sound, Tang Lang breathed a sigh of relief.

If this guy is a killer, I'm afraid few will be able to escape, it's like a bug.

"Since there is already a town hall, why are you looking for me!" Tang Lang was speechless, it was very hot, and he wanted to go home and eat watermelon!

"Boy, come and play with me." Suddenly, Han Xiao stretched his waist, and hooked his fingers towards Tang Lang.

Hearing the sound, Ning Xi smiled obsequiously: "Of course it's useful to call you here, Second Senior Brother, go and play with the Great God!"

"Fuck! Ning Xiaoxi, you betrayed me again! I won't fight!" Tang Lang shook his head resolutely.

What an international joke!

That guy, he and Tang Ye couldn't even get close to each other. If you fight him, his skin doesn't itch!

"Well... boy, if you don't come, I'll go up and beat you to death." Han Xiao said rather bored.

Tang Lang had an expression that he wouldn't do it even if he beat me to death.

"Come on, it really doesn't work, I'll hit you with one finger." Han Xiao said with a smile.

"What did you say?!" Suddenly, Tang Lang's eyes flashed.

Depend on! Too much!

one finger!

Who do you look down on? !

"I said, I'll hit you with one finger." Han Xiao really stretched out a finger.

"Second Senior Brother, you can't even beat the Great God with one finger, can you?" Ning Xi sighed beside him.

"I'm just kidding!" Tang Lang's lungs exploded with anger, "Okay, you said, one finger! If I can't beat you with one finger, I'll call you grandpa!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Lang straightened his body and bullied Han Xiao in an instant.

At this time, Han Xiao stood on the spot without moving, his left hand was behind his back, and he just stretched out a finger.

When Tang Lang was less than half a meter away from Han Xiao, Han Xiao's eyes sparkled for a moment, and he pointed towards the void.


I only heard the sound of breaking through the air in the small garden building.

Han Xiao's finger swept across the void, and the strong wind passed by.

Before the finger arrived, a terrifying finger force arrived first.

The speed of Han Xiao's finger was as fast as the limit, not only Ning Xi didn't see it clearly, but even Tang Lang didn't see it.

In the blink of an eye, this finger hit Tang Lang's abdomen with a destructive force.


Tang Lang didn't know what happened, but Han Xiao knocked him to the ground with one finger.

Tang Lang looked shocked, staring at the lazy Han Xiao in front of him, his face full of disbelief.

The lazy man in front of him simply pointed at him casually, but he couldn't resist at all...

It's hard to imagine, if this man used all his strength, would he be stabbed to death with a finger?

Tang Lang grew up so big, he was already very talented in martial arts, and he was very conceited.

But there are people outside the people, and there is a sky beyond the sky, it is really unacceptable.

Tang Lang comforted himself in his heart. He is a normal human being, and he should not be compared with this kind of monster!

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