Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1983 Instant Kill

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"I lost..." Tang Lang sighed, how could humans defeat monsters!

"Oh, it's really boring, let's play another round." Han Xiao hooked his fingers towards Tang Lang again.

In an instant, Tang Lang straightened up like a carp, stood up and cupped his fists at Han Xiao: "Grandpa, I'm not coming!"

It seemed that Han Xiao also felt bored, and his eyes fell on Ning Xi: "Are you coming?"

Ning Xi immediately shook her head like a rattle, "Master, as you said, I'm just a weak little chicken, please ignore me!"

"Okay." Han Xiao sat back on the sofa, turned on the TV, and started watching cartoons.

Yes, cartoons...

After Lu Tingxiao came back from get off work, he was a little surprised to see Han Xiao there.

Ning Xi secretly pulled Lu Tingxiao aside triumphantly, and told how she tricked Han Xiao over.

After Lu Tingxiao heard it, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Looking at the seemingly heartless man on the sofa, I thought to myself that my guess was indeed correct.

I'm afraid that Han Xiao already knew what might happen. He left the white tiger that day on purpose.


In the middle of the night.

There was a movement outside the small garden building.

The hall was very dark, Tang Lang accompanied Han Xiao to watch the cartoon for a whole day, and both of them were enjoying it.

"Grandpa, someone is here." Suddenly, Tang Lang's eyes turned cold, and he looked outside the door.

Now this guy calls his grandfather very smoothly, without any psychological barriers.

"Then why don't you open the door?" Han Xiao said.


Tang Lang got up, ran forward with small steps, and opened the door.


Looking at the men in suits holding guns outside the door, Tang Lang laughed.

Hearing the sound, the killers were all taken aback.

The leader frowned, raised his gun and shot at Tang Lang.

Tang Lang's reaction was also extremely fast. When the man raised his arm, he had already strode away and dodged.

"Grandpa, someone didn't give you face!" Tang Lang yelled at Han Xiao who was on the sofa.

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at the sofa again, and Han Xiao had already disappeared.

"Damn, what speed is this..."

Tang Lang stared at Han Xiao standing in front of the door, and couldn't help shivering.

"Can this thing kill people?" Han Xiao stood in front of the men, looking at the dark muzzle of the gun.

"Looking for death!" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man with the gun, and he pulled the trigger towards Han Xiao.


Loud noises echoed in the building.


The killers looked at each other, only to see that the lazy-looking man pointed out that the muzzle of the gun was moved to the other side.

The gunman's shot did not kill Han Xiao, but killed one of his companions in front of him.

"Kids don't play with guns, look, something has happened." Han Xiao shook his head.

Just as Han Xiao opened his mouth, several other people also took out their pistols at the same time.

"Lend me a look." Han Xiao snatched one of the killer's pistols.


Han Xiao instantly pulled the trigger and fired several shots.

And every shot hit the thighs of several killers.

A scream sounded in the dark night.

"Sorry...I typed in the wrong place, I will type again."

Han Xiao raised his pistol and pulled the trigger on the heads of several people.





After several gunshots, the heads of several killers were pierced and died tragically on the spot.

"It's the right shot this time." Han Xiao glanced at the corpses on the ground, and then threw the pistol out the door.

"An eyesore, cleaned up."

Han Xiao returned to the sofa, opened a bag of potato chips, and watched cartoons.

"Okay, grandpa, listen to you."

Tang Lang Pidianpidian stepped forward and pulled the corpses out.

[囧囧 PS: Good night, babies~ Is today’s update over? I wish you a happy reading~ Please ask for a ticket on the next page~]

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