Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1984 No shortage of pendants on the legs

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

There are several groups of killers sent by Qiao Yi to Lu Town in the past few days.

However, after going to Lu Town, there is no news, as if the world has evaporated.

"Uncle Qiao, it seems that the Lu family has taken precautions. Out of the batches of killers dispatched before, only two escaped back, saying that they saw the white tiger in Lu Town."

Feng Jin said thoughtfully.

"White Tiger?"

Qiao Yi looked puzzled. Could it be that the previous batch of killers were all killed by the white tiger?

"Uncle Qiao, I think the forces from Ouhuang's side can be mobilized." Feng Jin said.

Hearing the sound, Qiao Yi shook his head.

If you can't even do this little thing well, and even ask Ouhuang's forces to dispatch killers, I'm afraid it's not appropriate.

"Send a few more batches of killers to Deer Town."

A cold light flickered in Qiao Yi's eyes.

If it still doesn't work this time, then he will do it himself.

No matter what, Lu Tingxiao and the others must be killed!


In the past few days, Han Xiao was sitting in the small garden building in Lu Town, and he easily dealt with all the killers.

Tang Lang just sat on the sofa and ate watermelon every day, watching those murderous killers come to kill him, and then did some cleaning work, which was quite relaxing.

"Boy, come and play!"

Han Xiao yawned, with a lazy look on his face, staring at Tang Lang, who was eating melons, and said.

"Grandpa, don't tell me, do you eat melons?"

With a flattering face, Tang Lang handed Han Xiao a piece of watermelon.


Han Xiao nodded, and ate the watermelon that Tang Lang handed over.

After the last time, Tang Lang was no longer willing to practice with Han Xiao.

As a human being, how could he stick to one trick and a half under the hands of monsters, such as self-torture, it is enough to try it once, and anyone who is willing to try it a second time is a fool.

"Someone broke through the blockade of Deer Town..."

In the middle of the night, Ning Xi appeared in the hall and reminded her.

"Great God, there are people who don't give you face. They know that you are here, and they come here every day to make trouble. I don't know what you think. If someone doesn't give me face like this, I will definitely give him a big slap." block." Tang Lang looked at Han Xiao and smiled.

Han Xiao crossed Erlang's legs, as if he didn't hear Tang Lang's words.

After a while, Han Xiao picked up a piece of watermelon, said while eating: "Go out and cool off!"

"There is an air conditioner in the room, so it's cooler than outside." Tang Lang subconsciously said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Lang's expression changed.

I'm afraid that many killers came this time. If there is a gun battle later, it will be fine.

He and Ning Xi were not this monster, so what if they were shot.

"Grandpa is right, it's still cooler outside..."

Tang Lang pulled Ning Xi and left the garden building.


An hour later, there were indeed bursts of gunshots in the small building.

After another quarter of an hour, after the gunfire had completely disappeared, Ning Xi and Tang Lang returned to the small garden building.

Han Xiao was still lying on the sofa eating watermelon.

Inside and outside the hall, corpses are everywhere...


Seeing Tang Lang appear, Han Xiao glanced at him.

"Grandpa, I understand..."

Tang Lang smiled obsequiously, like a hardworking bee, moved the corpse away from the garden building, and cleaned it up by the way.

"Master, please thigh~" Ning Xi stared at Han Xiao with starry eyes.

"There is no shortage of pendants on the legs." Han Xiao said.

"I said, when can I leave?" Before Ning Xi could speak, Han Xiao threw the watermelon rind into the trash can, looked at Ning Xi and asked.

Ning Xi stared at Han Xiao with a subtle smile on her face.

It's already here, but I still want to leave, it's so easy!

"When no killer dares to come..." Ning Xi laughed.

Han Xiao sighed, full of resentment.

He finally became a nanny.

For the sake of the good food here!

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