Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1995 You won't abandon me, right?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

These days, Ning Xi noticed that something was wrong with Xu Tao.

They kept walking around her, booing and inquiring about her health, serving tea and pouring water.

Although Xu Tao had always been very kind to her in the past, these days he was obviously looking for trouble, looking for something to talk about, and he seemed hesitant to talk several times.

Ning Xi had no choice but to ask him directly, "Brother Tao, what's wrong with you? If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Xu Tao murmured for a long time before he said sadly, "My Lady Queen, you will not abandon me, will you?"

"Where did you say that?" Ning Xi was puzzled.

"It's not Wang Haojun's bastard! He actually wants to eat swan meat and wants to poach you to Xinghui!" Xu Tao was furious.

Ning Xi couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, "You said he was Lai Toad and wanted to eat swan meat, why would I go to him?"

"But I still don't feel safe..."

At this moment, Liang Feixing pushed the door open and came in, grabbed Xu Tao by the collar and lifted him aside, "Why are you acting coquettish when you're so old! Goosebumps are rising! Didn't I tell you not to bother Ning Xi? Go to work!"

After speaking, he turned to Ning Xi and said, "Ning Xi, don't bother with this guy, my uncle is here, and I'm in a bad mood."

Ning Xi said helplessly, "Brother Tao, don't worry, Su Yan did look for me last night, but I have already refused."

"Damn it! That bastard is really shameless! Even Su Yan moved out!" Xu Tao was half dead with anger.

However, hearing that Ning Xi had rejected, Xu Tao finally let go of the big stone that had been weighing on his heart for several days, and began to work happily wagging his tail, "Then, my lord queen, I will pick you up tonight to attend the anniversary celebration of the Imperial Capital TV station." !"

"I don't know when the announcement in the afternoon will end. Anyway, my show is later, so it doesn't matter. Brother Tao, you can take Qin Shuang to get ready first. When it's over with me, just go there." Ning Xi said.

"Okay!" Xu Tao has fully revived at this moment.

The Goddess is too considerate, is there anything!



Xu Tao took Qin Shuang to the stage first.

After arriving at the place, the two entered the designated dressing room.

As soon as he entered, he found that someone was already inside, and Xu Tao realized that he had gone to the wrong room.

In the room, Yin Youyou brought her agent, two assistants, a makeup artist, a stylist, and two bodyguards. A large group of people were waiting for Yin Youyou to make up.

Since she jumped to Xinghui, Yin Youyou has paid great attention to the scene and outfit when she goes out, for fear that others will not know how well she has done after the job-hopping.

One of Yin Youyou's assistants with a sharp chin saw an outsider coming in, and angrily yelled at Xu Tao and Qin Shuang on the spot, "Whoever allowed you to come in casually! This is Youyou's exclusive dressing room!"

After Xu Tao learned that he had made a mistake, he was going to take Qin Shuang to leave. At this moment, Yuanjia Road was narrow. Looking at the little assistant with a sharp chin, he sneered, "Oh, the exclusive dressing room? It has your name written on it? "

The little assistant looked at Xu Tao who was facing him, and immediately sneered, "Xu Tao, you were considered a gold medal manager back then. Although you were so downcast that you almost slept on the street, you can't really be like a rascal, right?"

The little assistant who spoke was the one who slapped Xu Tao in the bar and humiliated him on the spot. Later, this incident was reported by various entertainment newspapers, making Xu Tao ridiculed by everyone in the industry.

The former gold medal manager was actually slapped in the face by a small assistant...

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