Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1996 The 18th-line actor

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Afterwards, it was also because of this incident that she was now very highly regarded by Yin Youyou. Obviously, what she did at that time made Yin Youyou very satisfied.

Therefore, this little assistant will not miss the opportunity to perform so well now.

"Haha, there must be someone else who is really down and out sleeping on the street, right?" Xu Tao glanced deliberately in Yin Youyou's direction and spoke quietly.

Upon hearing this, Yin Youyou, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, suddenly stiffened up and his expression changed.

Xu Tao was obviously mocking him!

A year ago, when she was at her most impoverished, she was actually sleeping on the street. Later, she was scouted by Xu Tao and became a super star in her prime.

The little assistant had also heard about Yin Youyou's past, and knew that Yin Youyou must be very unhappy now, so he immediately rushed in front of the two of them, "I told you that this is Youyou's exclusive dressing room, can't dogs understand human speech?"

At this time, a TV station staff outside heard the noise inside and hurried over.

"Excuse me, what happened?"

I saw a middle-aged man with a beard and a young female staff member walking in.

The assistant with a pointed chin immediately complained when she saw the person coming, "Director Chen, as you know, this is Youyou's exclusive dressing room. Every time Youyou comes, she uses this one alone. The others are too small and can't be squeezed in! But, this These two are like scoundrels, they insist on staying here and want to steal our Youyou's dressing room!"

"This..." The director looked at Yin Youyou, who was wearing fancy clothes and putting on makeup, and then at Qin Shuang and Xu Tao, and suddenly had a headache.

People in their profession usually pick on weaklings, and Yin Youyou is known in the circle as someone who is not easy to mess with.

On the other hand, although Qin Shuang became famous overnight and became popular quickly, his status as a celebrity is still completely incomparable to Yin Youyou, and he is not in the same rank at all.

It is really unnecessary to offend Yin Youyou for Qin Shuang.

After a brief deliberation, the director had already made up his mind. He coughed slightly and turned to Xu Tao and Qin Shuang and said, "This dressing room is indeed Miss Yin's exclusive dressing room. Why don't you two follow me to another place?" "

When the assistant with a sharp chin suddenly heard that Director Chen finally sided with them, his face was full of pride, "Did you hear that?"

Qin Shuang didn't want to cause trouble to Xu Tao, so he whispered to Xu Tao, "Brother Tao, forget it, let's go somewhere else!"

Xu Tao didn't speak, but his expression was extremely gloomy.

Seeing that the two were not moving, the assistant looked impatient and said, "Our Youyou show is about to start. Can you afford the delay in getting on stage?"

It was really nothing serious at first, but this little assistant had to use the topic to his advantage, obviously to deliberately embarrass them.

Director Chen next to him looked at the time and realized that it was indeed too late, so he didn't care so much anymore and said in a slightly tougher tone, "Please leave, both of you, and please don't disturb other artists who are getting ready to go on stage."

The little assistant gave a hint to the two bodyguards next to him, and then screamed and taunted, "Get out of here! You have an eighteen-tier actor who became famous overnight, and you have the nerve to act like a big name and steal the dressing room from us, Youyou, where are you?" Come on face!”

While they were talking, two bodyguards were already walking towards the two of them to force them away...

At this moment, a faint voice came from the door behind Xu Tao and Qin Shuang, "So... I am an 18th-line actor?"

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