Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1999 Not a heavyweight

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

On the stage, Yin Youyou came on stage in a hurry and was in a restless mood. The whole audience was not in a state of state. She missed several notes during the performance, and one of the high notes was broken and failed to reach the top.

As soon as Yin Youyou returned to the backstage with a gloomy expression, she heard a burst of whispering coming from inside.

"Oh my God! Who gave Yin Youyou the courage to choose a program like singing?"

"Haha, so many celebrities have been involved in lip-syncing scandals recently. She can at least prove that she is not lip-syncing!"

"Pfft...there is still such an operation?"

"Hey, hey, this is not the main point, okay? Does any of you know what's going on with Yin Youyou? Why did she come to the public dressing room and squeeze in with us just now? Didn't she always have her own dressing room?"

"Haha, I know! I just learned about the internal news. I heard that Xu Tao and Qin Shuang went to the wrong dressing room. As a result, Yin Youyou used the topic to find trouble, saying that they deliberately wanted to steal the dressing room and asked people to drive them away. go out……"

"And then what? How did it turn out that Yin Youyou came out in the end?"

The female artist who claimed to have inside information said excitedly, "Then Goddess Ning Xi arrived! I don't need to tell you more about what happened next, right?"

"Ning Xi is quite loyal. I heard that she particularly protects the artists in the same company! In addition to Qin Shuang, there have been several other celebrities in Shengshi recently!"

"Yin Youyou relies on her high status to be arrogant and domineering all day long. This time she has been kicked out of the woodwork! She knows how to bully those who are lower than her. If you have the ability, go and fight with Ning Xi!"

Listening to what those people said, Yin Youyou was so angry that she was shaking all over, "Is that enough?"

Suddenly the voice of the Bagua Master came from behind, and everyone was startled. They lowered their heads and pretended to be busy, as if nothing had happened, for fear of being swept away by this storm tail.

It wasn't until Yin Youyou left angrily that everyone started gossiping even more excitedly.

"What do you think Yin Youyou will do this time? All those who offended Yin Youyou in the past were treated badly!" someone asked.

"Ning Xi, are you kidding me? Yin Youyou is not a heavyweight with Ning Xi at all, okay? Don't look at the attitude on stage!"

"Don't forget that Yin Youyou has Han Zixuan! Aren't these two people always on the best terms? Han Zixuan is so arbitrary and selfish, but she only takes good care of Yin Youyou!"

The person who spoke rolled his eyes, "Han Zixuan was so suppressed by Ning Xi that she couldn't even take care of herself!"

"I think it's a little early to tell the winner. With Shengshi's strength and Han Zixuan's popularity here, it's not like there's no chance of counter-pressure!"

At night, a high-end club.

At this moment, Han Zixuan was sitting opposite Ning Xueluo at the table in the waterside pavilion.

Han Zixuan's face was full of anger and grievance, "Vice President Ning, when you were here, you always took care of me and promoted me, but since you left, I really can't stay in the company anymore. When will you come back? "

Han Zixuan asked her most relevant question.

Ever since Su Yan accepted the company, she had been pressured harder and harder. She really couldn't sit still and wait for death, so she made a date with Ning Xueluo in private.

Opposite me, Ning Xueluo listened to the other party's cry, with a look of helplessness on her face, and a hint of unspeakable in her tone, "I'm sorry, Zixuan, I don't have any power in my hands now, I'm afraid I really can't help you... …”

Han Zixuan's expression suddenly changed, "Vice President Ning, I really don't understand why you suddenly left the company?"

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