Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2000 It’s hard to protect yourself

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Xueluo had a sinister look in her eyes, but a weak and helpless expression on her face. She smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"If I could, why would I leave? I have stayed in Xinghui for so long. Xinghui is like my second home. You are like my sister. I also want to stay in the company, but..."

Halfway through her words, Ning Xueluo suddenly sighed, and the smile on her face became increasingly bitter.

"Forget it, it's nothing. If you leave, you'll leave. It's useless to say anything now. It just hurts you because of me..."

Ning Xueluo suddenly closed her mouth and glanced at Han Zixuan in feigned surprise, as if she had accidentally said something wrong.

Han Zixuan was not a fool. She had clearly heard that Ning Xueluo had something to say, and it was related to her. How could she let it go? She quickly reached out and took Ning Xueluo's hand and said, "Vice President Ning, what happened? What's the matter? You brought me up with your own hands, can't you even trust me?"

Ning Xueluo shook her head bitterly, "Zixuan, you are just like my sister, how could I not trust you... It's just that things are different now. In the past, I could protect you no matter what, but now..."

"I don't want to tell you because I'm afraid of hurting you. After all... I can't even protect myself now."

Unable to help themselves?

Ning Xueluo's words shocked Han Zixuan. Ning Xueluo was now the eldest mistress of the Su family. With her status, who else could threaten her?

Subconsciously, Ning Xi's delicate face suddenly flashed through Han Zixuan's mind. Was it because Ning Xueluo quit the film and television industry because Ning Xi kept pressing her? Could it be that……

Han Zixuan looked at Ning Xueluo with some uncertainty, hesitated for a while and then whispered: "Is it Ning Xi?"

When Han Zixuan said the name Ning Xi, Ning Xueluo's shoulders trembled obviously. She lowered her head pretending to be aggrieved, and the look in her eyes was gone. However, she looked like she had endured great grievances. Not saying anything.

Ning Xi again? !

Han Zixuan looked at Ning Xueluo's reaction, and it was obviously related to Ning Xi.

"Is that bitch here to torture you again? When you were at the height of your popularity in the film and television industry, if it weren't for her, how could you have quit the stage? Now that you have retired, she still won't let you go?! She is still shameless! " Han Zixuan spoke angrily, not because she was really aggrieved for Ning Xueluo, but because her enemy happened to be Ning Xi.

This anger is actually real.

Ning Xueluo secretly watched Han Zixuan's reaction in her eyes. She naturally knew what Han Zixuan was thinking in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She raised her head with a wry smile, her eyes looking lonely and helpless as she glanced over Han Zixuan's body. His hands subconsciously brushed his flat belly.

"I don't blame Ning Xi, it's my own problem. Not long ago, I just found out that I was pregnant. Su Yan was afraid that I would have a hard time, so he asked me to temporarily step back from Xinghui so that I could raise the baby with peace of mind."

Ning Xueluo paused, with an unconcealable loneliness in her voice.

"Are you pregnant?" Han Zixuan's eyes widened in surprise, but she soon pretended to be surprised and said, "Congratulations, Vice President Ning is really lucky. President Su loves you so much, and now you have your child again. Mr. Su must have held your precious thing in his hands and offered it to you, it is really enviable!"

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