Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2001 You won’t die this time

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Xueluo's heart trembled with infinite tenderness on her face, "This child came suddenly, which makes me very happy, but...Su Yan said during this period that Xinghui was too busy with affairs and rarely had time to come back. …”

Busy with work?

Han Zixuan was slightly startled.

Because of Ning Xi's return, Xinghui's artists have been a little breathless during this period. Compared with the peak period in the past, there is no comparison at all. Su Yan is Xinghui's largest shareholder, so ordinary things don't need to be done at all. If he takes action, how can he be too busy to see his newly pregnant wife?

To be honest, Su Yan's only action in the company during this period was...

An astonishing guess suddenly formed in Han Zixuan's mind. She looked at Ning Xueluo pretending to be calm and said tentatively: "Vice President Ning, do you know that President Su wants to dig Ning Xi into our Xinghui?"

A flash of jealousy flashed in Ning Xueluo's eyes, but a look of shock suddenly appeared on her face. She suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked at Han Zixuan in disbelief.

"What? He...he actually wants to dig Ning Xi into Xinghui?"

Ning Xueluo's reaction shocked Han Zixuan.

"Vice President Ning, don't you know? I also find it strange. Why did President Su want to recruit Ning Xi to our Xinghui? You must know that Ning Xi was an artist who was kicked out by our Xinghui. Now she has to spend a lot of money. If we dig her back and let others know about it, wouldn't we be making fun of us, Xinghui No One?"

Ning Xueluo's face became increasingly ugly. She lowered her head and chewed a bitter taste from the corner of her mouth.

"Why is she still unwilling to let Su Yan go?"

"Vice President Ning?! Ning Xi...she...she and Mr. Su..." Han Zixuan was shocked.

Ning Xueluo seemed to realize that she had let something slip. She quickly raised her hand to cover her lips, and looked at Han Zixuan sadly with a beautiful little white face, "No, nothing, Ning Xi...she is just We met Su Yan a long time ago. Although Ning Xi admired Su Yan at the beginning, that happened a long time ago. Now they... don't matter... they have no relationship at all..."

The more Ning Xueluo spoke, the softer her voice became. The grievance and sourness in her voice made people feel distressed.

After beating Han Zixuan to death, Han Zixuan never expected that the truth would be like this!

Ning Xi and Su Yan have known each other for a long time?

And Ning Xi actually pursued Su Yan before?

This series of news shocked Han Zixuan. She thought about Su Yan's frequent attempts to poach Ning Xi during this period, and then thought about Ning Xueluo being pregnant, but Su Yan didn't come back with excuses...

"Ning Xi has gone too far! You are pregnant now! She actually tried to seduce Mr. Su with some flirtatious tricks! She is still not a human! It wasn't enough that she caused you to be forced to retire, and now she wants to interfere with you and Su Total feelings!" Han Zixuan pretended to be angry, but she was already happy in her heart.

Okay, Ning Xi, I think you are really capable and not just a shameless charlatan!

Subconsciously, Han Zixuan secretly glanced at the gap in the sofa. Under the light, a cold light flashed past. It was the camera she had prepared in advance. She originally wanted to get some information from Ning Xueluo, but she didn't expect... …This news is so exciting.

Ning Xueluo raised her head with tears in her eyes, bit her lip and shook her head at Han Zixuan.

"'s not like that...Su Yan...he wouldn't do this to me...he is really busy, not...not because of Ning Xi..."

Ning Xueluo's voice was sour and tearful, and her expression concealed a huge grievance, but she could only endure it silently.

While Han Zixuan was comforting Ning Xueluo's out-of-control emotions, she secretly narrowed her eyes, a vicious cold light flashing in her eyes.

Ning Xi, I don't believe you won't die this time!

Ning Xueluo, who was being comforted by Han Zixuan, lowered her head to hide the viciousness in her eyes.

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