Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2005 Cleaning up the portal

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

As soon as these photos were released, they immediately caused a huge wave on the Internet, and everyone was shocked.

Fans of Ning Xueluo and Han Zixuan immediately rushed forward with their scarlet eyes like hungry wolves who had been hungry for days and nights...

【Fuck! Sure enough, they are a pair of adulterers and adulterers! Ning Xi's idiot fans, what else do you have to say now! The evidence is solid! Who else dares to say that we, Zixuan, are spreading rumors and causing trouble! 】

[Seduce a married woman, trick her into taking away all the rights from her wife, poach her, and let her leave a pregnant woman alone at home at night. The two of them hide alone in a small garden and have sex with each other privately. meeting! It's so shameless! ! ! 】

[Zixuan was just fighting for her friend, but she was bitten by Ning Xi's crazy fan! Fortunately, justice will never be absent! 】

[Originally, I thought Zheng Anru’s words were a bit excessive, but now that I think about it, they are simply too mild. Comparing this kind of person to our Zixuan is an insult to Zixuan! 】

[Isn’t she just relying on her face and body to get to the top? It’s just that I hid it too well before and deceived everyone! Now finally all the truth is revealed! 】

[Ning Xi’s idiot fans, why don’t you say anything and continue to wash the floor! 】

Shengshi Entertainment.

Liang Feixing and Xu Tao are paying close attention to the developments online.

Xu Tao looked sarcastic, "Tsk, Han Zixuan and the others really still have a back-up plan!"

Liang Fei

Xu Tao yawned and said boredly, "It's boring! Can we just send our stuff up now?"

Hearing this, Liang Feixing looked towards Ning Xi who was sitting on the sofa opposite, "Ning Xi, what do you think?"

Ning Xi looked away from the computer screen, leaning her head slightly with one hand, and tapping the handrail next to her with her other finger, "Of course I have to send things, but... it's not that easy!"

When she said the last sentence, Ning Xi's eyes flashed with a glint of fire as cold as ice.

Xu Tao asked hurriedly, "My Lady Queen, what do you mean?"

Ning Xi stopped moving her fingers, looked at Xu Tao, and spoke word by word: "Clean the door."

Before, it was because she had just woken up and everything had to start from scratch, and the situation in Shengshi was so bad that she could only choose to passively respond. But now, it is time to deal with Han Zixuan.

Xu Tao's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard these domineering words, "Your Majesty the Queen, you are so powerful and domineering! You are right, you can just forget about it after slandering someone. How can it be so easy!"

Liang Feixing on the side pondered, "I have been secretly investigating Han Zixuan during this period, but she is indeed very cautious. After so long, I have not found any useful information."

Otherwise, he would have taken action to get rid of her completely, and he would not be able to let her continue to dance around here.

Xu Tao nodded in agreement, "That's true. Han Zixuan has too much dirty information, but without evidence, it's useless no matter what you say!"

Ning Xi's eyes fell on Xu Tao and asked, "Brother Tao, have you forgotten Yin Youyou?"

Xu Tao was puzzled when he heard this, "Yin Youyou?"

What does this have to do with Yin Youyou?

"With Han Zixuan's character, why did she always take such good care of Yin Youyou after changing jobs?" Ning Xi asked back.

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