Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2006 It’s all on me

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

When Xu Tao heard this, his heart suddenly skipped a beat, "This matter... is indeed a bit strange. The two of them were not familiar with each other in the prosperous times and had no friendship. After joining Xinghui, Han Zixuan not only suppressed Xinghui's artists, but also suppressed the artists from Xinghui. The artist who jumped over from Shengshi Entertainment watched even more closely, not allowing anyone to surpass her position!

Yin Youyou is on the same frontline as her and poses a great threat to her. Logically speaking, the relationship between the two should be a fire and water.

However, on the surface, Han Zixuan and Yin Youyou have a very good relationship. Han Zixuan often helps Yin Youyou find resources and even takes her to attend important announcements..."

Liang Feixing also reacted, "This is indeed a bit unreasonable... I remember that once Yin Youyou directly snatched a role from Han Zixuan, Han Zixuan didn't say anything, and later told the media that she herself recommended this role to Yin Youyou Yes, but everyone in the industry knows that Han Zixuan has actually been interested in that role for a long time..."

At this point, Xu Tao suddenly jumped up excitedly, "Is it possible that Yin Youyou has some shady information about Han Zixuan?"

"It's very possible!" Liang Feixing nodded immediately.

Xu Tao immediately looked at Ning Xi opposite with admiration, "My Queen, you are so awesome, why didn't I think of that!"

Ning Xi laughed, "I'm just a bystander, and I'm just guessing at the moment. I'll have to trouble Brother Tao for the rest."

Xu Tao immediately said, "Don't worry, Queen, I'll take care of it!"

Liang Fei

I think Ning Xi's guess is correct. Nine times out of ten, this is the case, and what Yin Youyou is holding is definitely very important, even enough to make Han Zixuan unable to survive in the entire entertainment industry. is absolutely impossible for Yin Youyou to give this kind of thing to us! "

Xu Tao immediately raised his eyebrows and said confidently, "Don't worry about this kind of thing, it's just a small case!"

Liang Feixing raised his eyebrows, "Okay, I forgot that you, the big liar, are here!"

Ning Xi smiled and said, "Then let's wait for the good news from Brother Tao."

Late at night, in a private room of a restaurant.

Yin Youyou threw her bag on the table with a "pop", crossed her arms across her chest, and looked at the man opposite her impatiently, "Tell me! What do you want to see me for?"

Xu Tao's attitude was attentive, with a hint of nervousness in his eyes, "I'm sorry to bother you so late!"

Yin Youyou snorted coldly, "If it's about Ning Xi, you'd better give up! Ning Xi is dead this time!"

Thinking of the humiliation she suffered that day at the Imperial TV Station, Yin Youyou became very angry. Naturally, she would not let go of such a great opportunity to ridicule at this moment.

This is why Xu Tao called her to make an appointment and she came over.

Of course she wanted to appreciate Xu Tao's desolate appearance.

"Tsk, I really feel for Brother Tao. I just hugged a golden thigh and it turned into a pile of mud so quickly, haha..."

Xu Tao's face looked very ugly and embarrassed. After being silent for a while, he said meaningfully, "Youyou, it doesn't matter what happens to me. In fact, you are the one who has the biggest loss now..."

Yin Youyou was immediately displeased and snorted coldly, "What nonsense are you talking about? What do I have to lose?"

Xu Tao suddenly looked extremely surprised, "Don't you know?"

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