Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2008 Where is the possibility of getting up?

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

If Ning Xi does not fall, Han Zixuan will not be able to succeed. Xinghui will definitely transfer resources to Yin Youyou. But if Ning Xi falls, although Yin Youyou resents Ning Xi, Han Zixuan will definitely make a comeback. By then...the first sister Xinghui will have nothing to do without Yin Youyou.

Yin Youyou didn't realize this problem at first, but when Xu Tao said this, she suddenly felt as if she was too happy.

If she hadn't held something shady about Han Zixuan, she would have been the first one to be operated on!

Even so, she knew very well that this little leverage could at most prevent Han Zixuan from punishing her.

She trembled every day in Xinghui, wagging her tail like a dog and begging for food, hoping that Han Zixuan would give her some meager resources from between his teeth.

After all, she is also an artist of Xinghui. If this information is really revealed, Han Zixuan will be finished, but she will be finished too.

When Xinghui finds out that she is secretly cheating on artists from the same company, she will definitely be banned by Xinghui.

Han Zixuan naturally knew this, and knew that she did not dare to really let the news out, so they could only maintain a delicate balance now.

Originally, Ning Xi's appearance gave her a glimmer of hope, but now that Ning Xi has fallen, everything has returned to where it was before.

Moreover, Han Zixuan will only become more unscrupulous in the future, and the effectiveness of her handle will only become weaker and weaker. On the contrary, once Ning Xi, the biggest enemy, is dealt with, Han Zixuan will probably regard her as a thorn in his side, and then quickly eliminate her...

Seeing that Yin Youyou didn't know what he was thinking, and his face was getting worse and worse, Xu Tao pretended to sigh casually and said, "Hey, Ning Xi is having a hard time at this time. Han Zixuan was already overwhelmed by Ning Xi, and now she can't stand it anymore." Now that Ning Xi has fallen, she will be even more beautiful.

After all, if someone really wants to get up, I would rather be you. After all...if you get up in the future, you will be the person I took care of before, and I can look better..."

Yin Youyou's face became increasingly ugly.

Ning Xi fell, how could she possibly get up in Xinghui?

She knew Han Zixuan's character very well. In the short six months since Han Zixuan moved here, whether they were old artists from Xinghui or those who had moved from Shengshi, anyone who had a little bit of a chance to gain the limelight was crushed by her.

Because of Ning Xi's comeback, Han Zixuan was suppressed. Xinghui's senior management has revealed that they want to promote her as Xinghui's first sister. It is impossible that Han Zixuan does not know this news. I am afraid that she has already been jealous of her. If she falls in love with Han Zixuan again Once she becomes popular, Han Zixuan's jealous character will not give her less shoes to wear.

Xu Tao secretly saw the changes in Yin Youyou's face, and a smile appeared in his heart, but his expression was still disappointed. He seemed to be very lonely, and sighed, "I'm sorry for Qin Shuang. I was completely relying on him at the beginning." If Ning Xi takes over, Ning Xi is finished, and she may not be able to keep it.

Xiaorou has disappeared now. Among the people I have taken care of, you are the only one who is still alive. Sometimes I think that maybe you were right to leave Shengshi. It’s just that I was useless and couldn’t earn the most for you. Good resources. If it were now, I would definitely get the same resources for you as Ning Xi. I...hey...I'm talking nonsense here again. Blame me. Just pretend you didn't hear anything! "

The same resources as Ning Xi? !

Yin Youyou's eyes suddenly lit up at this moment.

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