Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2009 So impatient

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The current prosperous age is different from that of the past. Even if Ning Xi falls, the existing resources of the prosperous age will not disappear.

If she reveals that truth and brings down Han Zixuan, even if Xinghui wants to ban her, if she can return to the prosperous age... then she doesn't have to worry at all!

You know, Ning Xi's current resources are several levels higher than those of Han Zixuan at the peak of Starlight!

When Ning Xi fell, Shengshi was leaderless. With her qualifications, as long as she returned, no one in Shengshi could compare with her. In order to be suppressed by Xinghui, Shengshi would definitely find a new first sister in the shortest possible time. And no one is more suitable than her!

One after another, longings constantly appeared in Yin Youyou's mind. Looking at Xu Tao who was sighing in front of her, a flash of greed flashed in her eyes, and a soft smile suddenly appeared on her delicately made-up face, "Brother Tao, This period of time is not easy for you either. I will always remember how good you were to me in Shengshi. I am where I am today thanks to the cultivation of Shengshi. I will never forget this. Although we are not in the same company now , but we can keep in touch more in the future, and the relationship will still be there."

Xu Tao's heart was full of disdain, but there was an emotional smile on his face.

"Youyou, I'm satisfied with your words. It's getting late today, so you should go back first and contact me often in the future!"

Yin Youyou confided in Xu Tao again, and then left pretending to be reluctant.


After returning, Yin Youyou threw down her bag and rushed into the attic on the top floor of the villa almost immediately.

After locking the door with a bang, Yin Youyou rummaged through the cabinets anxiously, and finally moved out a safe in a hidden compartment.

After pressing the password, Yin Youyou took out a small silver USB flash drive from the safe.

Yin Youyou stared at the USB flash drive with an unpredictable look in her eyes. After hesitating for a moment, she held the USB flash drive tightly in her hand, her eyes becoming more sinister.

Han Zixuan!

You've been on top of me for so long, it's time to give up!

On the other side, Xu Tao hummed a song and returned to the apartment with his car keys. He took a refreshing shower, wandered to the study, and turned on the computer.

Because of the second video posted by Han Zixuan, the abuse of Ning Xi on the Internet has completely drowned out all other voices.

Things like mistresses attract the most hatred, especially when Ning Xueluo is still pregnant. In addition, Ning Xueluo Xiying and Ning Xi also had a certain relationship before. The discussion on the Internet has become one-sided. Many passers-by who don't know the truth are also because Ning Xueluo's weak image joined the battle.

If there is not enough strong evidence, Ning Xi may be in trouble if she wants to reverse the situation.

Xu Tao was leisurely catching those comments when a notification suddenly appeared in the lower right corner of his computer that he had received a recent email.

Xu Tao moved the mouse and then clicked.

After seeing the content of the email clearly, Xu Tao's eyes suddenly lit up and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised.


He thought that Yin Youyou would not take action until the next morning at the earliest.

I didn't expect... to be so impatient!

It seems that Yin Youyou hates Han Zixuan no less than she hates Ning Xi. She must be suppressed by Han Zixuan in Xinghui.

In fact, whether Yin Youyou will take the bait this time depends only on whether the bait is big enough, and the bait he throws out this time is definitely enough.

There are two videos in the mailbox.

One part is in the office, the other part is in the nanny's car...

Its intensity was enough to astonish even an experienced driver like him...

Tsk tsk, Yin Youyou really didn’t disappoint him!

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