Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 202 The Great Reversal of the Plot

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Lu Jingli was the first to speak: "First of all, here I would like to introduce you to our newest member of Shengshi, Ning Xi."

Ning Xi got up, bowed to all the media and cameras, and then sat down.

Photographers took shots one after another.

Ning Xi wore a black dress with steady makeup today, very suitable for a formal occasion like today.

Lu Jingli went on to say, "Next, for the questions that the netizens are more concerned about about us, Manyun, his manager, Ms. Lin Zhizhi, will answer them one by one."

In the past, anything related to Leng Manyun would definitely be the focus of everyone's attention, but now, it has suddenly become a topic that everyone hopes to end quickly...

Fortunately, Lin Zhizhi's style has always been clean and tidy. In just a few sentences, she announced Leng Manyun's marriage news and her future work arrangements concisely. The general idea is that her future work will focus on her family. Everyone guessed that Ning Xi was indeed groomed by Sheng Shi as Leng Manyun's successor.

At this time, an impatient reporter urged: "We just want to know why Sheng Shi signed an artist with corrupt moral character, not only that, but let her take over Leng Manyun's position! Sheng Shi will not be afraid of self-destruction if he does this. Is it a sign?"

Other journalists chimed in:

"Self-destructing signboards is considered good, it's like a piece of mouse droppings destroying a pot of porridge!"

"I wonder if the senior management of Shengshi has been lowered collectively!"

"I'd like to see if Sheng Shi can tell flowers today!"


Lu Jingli met Chen Jing's eyes, "Leave the rest of the time to our lawyer Chen, please keep quiet."

Lawyer Chen?

Just now they wondered why a lawyer was hired for the press conference, but now they all looked at Chen Jing strangely.

I saw Chen Jing clicked the laptop in front of him with the mouse, and then everyone heard a voice from the speakers on the scene——

[Not Ning Xi! It wasn't Ning Xi who bribed me! Someone else gave me money to tamper with the sword! But I don't know who the other party is! I received an anonymous email, and the other party asked me to do this in the email, and also directly deposited a 100,000 deposit in my account, saying that they would give me another 100,000 after it was done! ]

As soon as the sound stopped, the air was silent for three seconds, and the audience was in an uproar.

Lu Jingli's eyes turned cold, "Please be quiet."

The reporters stared with suppressed shock and held their breath.

Then, the big screen behind Chen Jing lit up, and two pictures were shown on the screen. One picture showed that the IP address of the anonymous mail was actually the Pearl River Royal View where Ning Xueluo was located, and the other picture cracked the anonymous account from Ning Xueluo. Luo's assistant Cui Caijing.

Now, the exclamation at the scene could no longer be suppressed.

However, this is not the end.

Chen Jing also released Ning Xueluo's injury certificate and the doctor's diagnosis report, proving that Ning Xi withdrew her hand very quickly at that time, and almost immediately withdrew her strength as soon as she realized something was wrong, so Ning Xueluo's injury was only very minor. Skin trauma, can be discharged on the same day.

However, Ning Xueluo was hospitalized for several days, and every time she appeared in front of the reporters, she would look as if she was seriously injured, bled out, and weak to deliberately win sympathy.

After releasing the evidence, Chen Jing showed a lawyer's letter, stating that he would formally file a complaint against Ning Xueluo for slandering Ning Xi.

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