Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 203 Of course there is a special relationship

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Compared to Lu Jingli's vile taste of keeping things secret, Chen Jing's series of actions took place in just three minutes, very fast and efficient. The atomic bombs one after another directly bombarded everyone on the scene.

Liang Feixing on the side suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have anything to do, so he touched his nose and said, "Okay, let's move on to the questioning session. If you have any questions, please ask!"

Reporters: "..."

They...they asked for a ball of yarn! ! !

The plot reversed so quickly that it was like a tornado, they didn't know what to ask!

In fact, they guessed from the very beginning that Sheng Shi might be planning to whitewash Ning Xi. They even thought that Zhang Qiang was bribed to frame Ning Xi.

But what no one expected was that the person who bought Zhang Qiang was actually Ning Xueluo herself, all of this was directed and acted by Ning Xueluo herself behind the scenes!

Could it be that these self-proclaimed righteous reporters and so many netizens who enthusiastically denounced Ning Xi were being played around by Ning Xueluo these days?

It is extremely difficult for them to accept this fact, but the iron-like evidence is right in front of them, which cannot be denied no matter what.

After a long while, a hand in the crowd finally raised weakly.

Liang Feixing signaled that he could ask questions.

The reporter who raised his hand stood up and looked at Chen Jing: "I would like to ask, Mr. Lawyer, through what channels did you obtain these evidences? Is it legal? How do you prove the authenticity of these evidences?"

Chen Jing, who hadn't said a word until now, glanced at the reporter, and then said: "I am here, which is enough to prove the authenticity."

"Uh..." The reporter was speechless and unable to refute.

After all, Chen Jing's authority and professionalism are here, and he is indeed a bit self-defeating by asking this question...

"In addition, the channels for us to obtain evidence are also legal. The police have already intervened secretly in this matter." Chen Jing said these words with that trustworthy and impartial face without changing his face.

All the reporters nodded, no longer doubting the legitimacy and authenticity of the evidence.

Ning Xi on the side tossed her hair in embarrassment, she really admired Lawyer Chen, she was so guilty when she heard it, okay?

What legal means? The confession was obtained by torture, and the evidence was obtained by Lu Tingxiao...

No wonder she always felt a sense of déjà vu when she first saw Chen Jing, but now she finally understands that Chen Jing's style of doing things is very similar to Lu Tingxiao's.

As expected, things of a kind flock together and people are divided into groups.

Then, the reporters began to recover from the shock one after another, and began to rush to ask questions.

Reporter: "I want to ask General Manager Lu, why do you spend so much time and energy helping Ning Xi? Is there any special relationship between you and Ning Xi in private as rumored?"

Lu Jingli rubbed his chin, thinking that there must be a special relationship, Ning Xi is his future sister-in-law!

"The relationship between me and Ning Xi can be described in one sentence, Bole and Maxima.

As for why I spent so much time and energy, of course it is because I believe in my own eyesight and believe that she is worth it.

I will put this sentence here today, and you will know in the future that this is the most profitable business I have ever done, and Xinghui will regret losing Ning Xi too much! "

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