Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2029 I’ll let you take off all you need

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

At this time, the two black-faced bodyguards took a step to both sides. A fat woman in luxurious clothes walked out from behind, her eyes scanning Han Zixuan's body like knives, "Are you Han Zixuan?"

Seeing that the person coming was actually Yi Xudong's wife Jiang Manli, Han Zixuan's first reaction was to turn around and run away.

However, when he only had time to take a step, a hand grabbed his hair, pulled him back, and slammed him to the ground, "Bitch, you still want to run?"

Jiang Manli was so strong that her thick and wide hands almost tore her scalp.

Looking condescendingly at the woman who fell at his feet, looking at her beautifully dressed appearance, and her slim waist, thinking of the unsightly scenes in the video, and the conversation between her and Yi Xudong, the two of them were in awe. This bitch actually called her a disgusting fat bitch...

Jiang Manli's face was extremely gloomy, "Bitch, do you like taking off your clothes, don't you? I'll let you take off your clothes as much as you can! Take off this vixen's clothes for me! Let everyone see how sexy she is!"

After receiving the order, several bodyguards nearby rushed forward like wolves and tigers.

"Ah - no! Get away! Get away!!! What do you want to do?" Han Zixuan screamed in panic and covered her clothes.

She has always been a goddess in the eyes of everyone, who can only be watched from a distance but not played with. When has she ever suffered such humiliation?

The black-faced bodyguard showed no mercy at all. When she resisted, he slapped her in the face.

And she was wearing very light clothes today, and the material couldn't withstand the pulling at all, and soon it fell into pieces and hung on her body.

It was the peak dining period at this moment, and people were coming and going in the square, and passers-by stopped one after another.

"Wow! What's going on?"

"Let the main wife beat up the mistress!"

The commotion here had already attracted a large number of passers-by. When the bodyguard slapped Han Zixuan's sunglasses off her face——

After seeing Han Zixuan's face clearly, there were gasps from the crowd watching the show.

"Fuck! Isn't this Han Zixuan?"

"Fuck! Oh my God! It's true! It's really Han Zixuan!"

"That fat woman seems to be Yi Xudong's wife!"

"That's so exciting! Hurry up and record the video! Record the video!"

"Ah - me call the police...ah..."

Everyone around was taking photos and videos, watching with great interest, but no one came forward.

This kind of scene where the main wife tears up the mistress has always been the favorite thing for onlookers to watch. If you don't step on her, why would you mind your own business?

"Bitch, who gave you the courage to play with my man? I will play with you to death today!"

As Jiang Manli said this, she suddenly pulled someone out from the corner, "How about it? Do you feel bad to see your little lover so pitiful?"

Cold sweat dripped down Yi Xudong's forehead, "Honey, I'm wronged! How could I feel sorry for such a prostitute who can be fucked by anyone! Back then... back then I was drugged by her. I didn't do it voluntarily! I was forced. ! Wife, you must believe me! Don’t you still know my feelings for you? How could I fall in love with such a look! "

Han Zixuan originally had a glimmer of hope when she saw Yi Xudong appear, but now she was dumbfounded looking at this man's shameless face.

"Yi Xudong, you are still not a man!"

Why didn't she see that this man was a coward who was afraid of his wife to this extent?

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