Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2030 I believe in you

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Han Zixuan glared at Yi Xudong fiercely, knelt on the ground with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes, and kept begging for mercy, "Mrs. Yi, I was wrong, I know I was wrong... please forgive me this time..."

However, Jiang Manli was not so easy to talk to, she asked someone to bring a chair to the side, sat down on her own, and let Yi Xudong pinch her shoulders while ordering her subordinates to continue.

It wasn't until the police heard the news that the farce finally ended.

However, this scene has been spread to every inch of the Internet by countless passers-by through photos, videos, and even live broadcasts, and it is spreading wildly.

Han Zixuan didn't know how she escaped from that nightmare place, so she rushed into an underground parking lot in a panic.

An oncoming car was coming, braked sharply, and made a harsh sound.

The car stopped almost in front of Han Zixuan.

One person hurriedly opened the car door and got out of the car to check the situation, only to find that the person who rushed out suddenly was a woman with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes.

After seeing the woman's face clearly, the man looked astonished, "Han Zixuan?"

Seeing that the person getting off the car was an acquaintance, Han Zixuan was also taken aback, "Su...Boss Su..."

"You..." Su Yan frowned.

Han Zixuan was stunned, unable to speak, crouched down on the ground and burst into tears.

Seeing that Han Zixuan's bare skin was covered with scratches from women's nails, Su Yan seemed to have guessed something, but he didn't say anything clearly.

After all, if Han Zixuan hadn't exposed the conversation with Xueluo this time, the matter would not have developed to this point, and the misunderstanding between him and Ning Xi would not have deepened.

Therefore, he did not have a good impression of Han Zixuan.

Su Yan frowned, dropped a coat, and then drove away.

Han Zixuan was full of resentment, tightly clutching the coat in her hand, staring darkly at the direction the car was leaving...


Zeling studio.

"Wow! Super gossip! Boss, look, Han Zixuan was stripped and beaten by Yi Xudong's wife in the street! It's been spread all over the Internet! It's so relieved!" Han Momo quickly rushed towards Ning Xi with her phone in her arms. , his little face flushed with excitement.

Ning Xi only glanced at it, then looked away in a dispirited manner, and returned to Gong Shangze's manuscript, washing her eyes.

"It's just that those two scumbags, Ning Xueluo and Su Yan, are so irritating that they still have the face to show their affection publicly!" Han Momo looked annoyed.

Ning Xi looked helpless and spoiled, "Stop reading gossip all day long, the Lorraine International Fashion Week will start next month, have you arranged the itinerary yet?"

"It's been arranged a long time ago, so I won't delay work!"


"History is so shameless. We have followed the trend time and time again, and we have plagiarized them. We must beat them down this time!" Han Momo exclaimed angrily.

Seeing that Gong Shangze hadn't spoken, Ning Xi looked a little absent-minded, put down the manuscript and walked over, "Ah Ze, what are you thinking?"

Gong Shangze hesitated to speak, then shook his head, "Boss, it's fine."

Ning Xi narrowed her eyes slightly, and asked tentatively, "Is it Dai Wei's place, and your manuscript?"

Gong Shangze bit his lip, "I made a count, and the manuscript should be gone, but I'm not completely sure if there are any omissions."

Ning Xi knew Gong Shangze's worries, for him, the most difficult thing was to surpass himself.

Gong Shangze pursed his lips, then looked up at Ning Xi, "Boss, will you go then?"

Ning Xi nodded, "Of course, how could I not be there for such an important moment? I should be filming in Lorraine at that time, and it will definitely pass."

Gong Shangze's originally anxious expression gradually dissipated after hearing Ning Xi's words, his clear eyes were extremely bright, "Boss, I will not let you down!"

Ning Xi chuckled, "I believe in you."

After Gong Shangze finished speaking, he said shyly, "Boss, during this time, can I go to Lu Town to bother you and Mr. Lu for a few days?"

Ning Xi immediately said cheerfully, "Of course! Sure enough, there will be a lot of inspiration there, right? I can't bear to leave!"

Gong Shangze didn't explain either, but just nodded, "Yeah."

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