Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2034 No longer alone

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

She has long straight black hair, a black sequined tight skirt with a flight jacket, and handsome Martin boots. She didn't deliberately use feminine makeup, only slightly deepened her eyeliner and adjusted her lip color.

Although it is an image of women's clothing, it retains Jiang Muye's own characteristics, wildness, and unruly.

When Jiang Muye opened his eyes, what he saw was this kind of himself.

It was not as unacceptable as he had imagined.

Ning Xi held her chin, and stared at the beautiful woman in front of her with bright eyes, "Oh my! Jiang Muye! Even if you look like me, I'd be willing to go up the mountain of knives and down the frying pan!"

Jiang Muye looked at the guy in front of him with black lines all over his head and said to himself in a flirtatious tone, "Shut up!"

"You're so cute when you say shut up!"

"Ning Xiaoxi!!!"

Fortunately, after being made a fuss by Ning Xi, he was relieved a lot.

His abused physique is getting worse and worse!

Ning Xi rolled her eyes, "How is it? Let's go and test the results?"

Jiang Muye looked at her malicious appearance with vigilance, "How to test?"

"Go to the bar! If a man strikes up a conversation, it means you have succeeded!"

"No need, thank you! I can tell by the way you look at me that I have succeeded!" Jiang Muye resolutely refused.

Ning Xi expressed great regret.


Country M, Lorraine.

Lorraine International Fashion Week is just around the corner, and Ning Xi has already rushed over because of the filming of "Killer".

A few days later, the Zeling team also flew to this fashion capital to meet the important battle in the coming week.

Lorraine is famous all over the world for her beauty and fashion. This city is a sacred place in the minds of women who pursue fashion all over the world, and it is also the paradise and cradle of all outstanding designers.

The history of fashion is the history of the city of Lorraine, and Lorraine's fashion style still has a huge influence on top designers from all over the world.

Lorraine Fashion Week has a supreme status in the fashion industry, which determines the fashion trend of the world in the current year and the next year. Every year, designers from all over the world will show nearly a hundred fashion shows in 7 days, showing the global fashionistas Deliver the latest trend information.

Today, History, one of the most representative brands of Hua Guofeng, became famous because of its brilliance on the stage of Lorraine Fashion Week. fashionistas respected.

History also participated in the exhibition last year. Although it was not as amazing as the first time, its performance was also remarkable.

For Zeling, this is the first time he has appeared on the international stage.

This time in Lorraine, most of the scenes were played by Jiang Muye, and Ning Xi's filming schedule in Lorraine was very easy.

After the shooting task of the day was completed, I rushed to the airport to pick up the plane.

Gong Shangze, Qiao Weilan and Han Momo could be seen from a distance.

"Boss! Here!" Han Momo waved her hands vigorously in the crowd, and rushed towards Ning Xi cheerfully.

Gong Shangze was a few steps behind, carrying a trolley case in his hand, staring blankly at the sky above Luocheng's head, a little absent-minded.

Los Angeles...

This city gave him infinite vitality and hope, and once drove him into the abyss.

He finally set foot on this land again, and finally returned here.

"Aze, let's go!" A warm voice came from my ear.


Gong Shangze looked at the people beside him, and gradually withdrew his thoughts floating in the air, turning them into infinite power.

This time, he was no longer alone.

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