Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2035 why not go to heaven

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Boss, the plane meal is so bad, I'm so hungry!" Han Momo burst into tears.

Ning Xi rubbed the little girl's hair, "Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food first!"

After putting the luggage into the car, Ning Xi drove the three of them to a famous local Michelin star restaurant.

"Wow! Michelin three stars! Will it be very expensive?"

Ning Xi laughed, "Don't worry, you still can't beat your boss!"

The group of four found a quiet seat by the window and sat down. Han Momo concentrated on ordering food, while Qiao Weilan had already started reporting to Ning Xi.

Gong Shangze looked at a corner not far from the window, and suddenly said, "It used to be my place."

Ning Xi looked in the direction of Gong Shangze's line of sight, and saw a black beggar lying on his back, sound asleep.

Ning Xi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "What a coincidence! Really!"

The place where I first saw Gong Shangze seemed to be there, less than 300 meters away, there was a History store.

That day, she had finished shopping for clothes at History, and only then met Gong Shangze, who was looking for faults, on the street.

"What? Is that where you picked up our palace director, boss?"

When Han Momo heard this, she immediately became interested, and began to ask about the details of the meeting between Ning Xi and Gong Shangze. Qiao Weilan also looked over with interest.

"Isn't it? It's been too long, I didn't think about it just now..."

The four of them were talking in a pleasant atmosphere. At this moment, the door of the restaurant opened, and a group of seven or eight people came in one after another.

The leader was a sleek-looking man in his thirties who appeared to be in his thirties, and the man behind him was wearing an Armani haute couture suit and a million-dollar Patek Philippe on his wrist... He turned out to be an acquaintance .

"Damn it! Isn't that Dai Wei? It's really a narrow road! Can you meet all of these?" Han Momo said excitedly.

That group of people is History's design team.

The person in charge is Liu Minghui, Dai Wei's deputy, History's deputy director of design, and in Han Momo's words, Dai Wei's henchman.

Dai Wei and his group were talking separately, not paying attention to their direction, and then they sat down in a semi-enclosed box not far from them.

Although he couldn't see the other party, the high-spirited talk of the other party was clearly transmitted to Ning Xi and the others.

"The work of the boss this time is really amazing, it will definitely make the eyes of those foreigners fall!" One of them said excitedly.

"The boss is amazing, he can come up with such a brilliant idea! This idea must be a big hit!" The person who spoke was Liu Minghui.

"The workmanship and skills are also excellent! How can it be produced in a year and a half! The boss must have been preparing in the morning, and he didn't tell anyone about it!"


Hearing the flamboyant compliments on the other side, Han Momo curled her lips in disdain, "You can really brag! Why don't they go to heaven!"

Ning Xi smiled and said nothing.

Seeing Dai Wei again, Gong Shangze was not as excited as before.

However, he frowned imperceptibly when he heard the few words from over there.

After returning, he listed all Dai Wei's published works so far against his stolen design draft, making sure that there were no omissions.

He knew that in addition to the design team on the surface, Dai Wei also had a group of people in private, including many experts, and he didn't know what method Dai Wei used to make them willing to work for him, otherwise Dai Wei would not May last until now.

The exhibited works this time are probably also made by those people.

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