Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2039 Heartbreaking Pain

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"Oh God! This is so beautiful!"

"Is this the legendary Chinese handicraft?"

"If I'm not mistaken, these sets of clothes are made from China's tapestry technology that began in the Tang Dynasty. The production process is very complicated. Just a few feet will take the craftsmen several months!"

"So special! Magical Chinese culture!"

Industry insiders at the scene, even those designers who were biased against Chinese style, could not help but be amazed by the gorgeous and exquisite neon feather coats on the models.

At this moment, the Chinese fans in the live broadcast room were even more excited and full of pride.

"Aw! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! Our culture in Great China is so amazing!"

"Awesome! History really did not disappoint us! Tremble! This is the long-standing traditional culture of our country!"

"I feel like I'm going to become a fan of Ning Xueluolu!"

Amidst the overwhelming praise, no one noticed that in a corner of the dim light, the handsome young man's face was pale, and his trembling lips were almost bleeding from his bite.

Ni! skirts! feather! Clothes! ! !

His colorful feather coat!

It took him half a year to draw the design, and another two years to personally learn the skills from the old craftsmen, and make the finished colorful feather coat with his own hands, stitch by stitch!

At the beginning, Dai Wei lied to him that the colorful feathers in the sample room were destroyed by a fire!

At this moment, she appeared on the runway of Lorraine International Fashion Week, right in front of him!

It is not the joy of regaining what was lost, but the overwhelming anger and hatred, and the heartbreaking pain as if one's own flesh and blood had been poached away by life!

Gong Shangze's eyes were scarlet, the veins on his forehead were bulging, his chest was rising and falling more and more violently, his handsome face was almost ferocious, and all the blood in his body seemed to have reversed flow.

Sitting on a table not far away, Ning Xi had an ominous premonition the moment the History work appeared. Her first reaction was to pay attention to Gong Shangze's reaction.

At first glance, it was clear that Gong Shangze's face was getting more and more ugly, and the young man's expression was clearly on the verge of collapse.

Ning Xi had never seen Gong Shangze so excited.


Ning Xi frowned when she saw this.

It seems that Dai Wei's so-called work that took him two years of hard work is actually Gong Shangze's design.

Even more than just blueprints.

All these ready-made clothes may have been made by Gong Shangze himself.

She remembered that she had heard Gong Shangze say more than once that his most perfect work was destroyed in an accidental fire.

That set of ready-made clothes is called "Nishang Yuyi".

Could it be...

History's work once again amazed the world, and domestic and foreign media flocked to interview chief designer Dai Wei.

A foreign reporter said: "Director Dai, your work this time is really amazing. I wonder where your inspiration comes from?"

Dai Wei smiled and replied proudly, "Of course it comes from the five thousand years of Chinese culture!"

A reporter from China looked excited: "Director Dai said it very well. What ancient designs are used in these clothes? It is said that they are all made by you. Is that true?"

Dai Wei nodded and said, "I used techniques such as tapestry, Suzhou embroidery, and panjinxiu. The design was completed by me independently, but the production was completed by me and my team. They also put in a lot of effort."

"Director Dai, you are so humble. As we all know, design is the soul of clothing! In addition, Mr. Dai, your design this time is even better than the "Spring Garden" two years ago. I didn't know the theme of your series this time is called What's the name?" the reporter asked.

Dai Wei replied: "Nancy clothes and feather clothes."

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