Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2040 It’s my design

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The moment she heard these four words, Ning Xi's pupils suddenly tightened, and a bone-chilling chill appeared in her eyes.

It turned out to be really "Nishang Yuyi".

Dai Wei was so arrogant that he didn't even change a word.

No wonder Gong Shangze showed such an expression.

Ning Xi looked at the young man who was burning like a flame in the dim light. After a moment of thought, she picked up her phone, edited a text message, and pressed the send button.

Gong Shangze felt the vibration of his phone, forced himself to press the unlock button, and opened the message with blurred vision.

The moment he saw that message, the anger that was racing through his body, almost making him dizzy, calmed down instantly like a soothed beast.

There were constant praises at the scene, and the screen in the live broadcast room was still refreshing. Dai Wei, surrounded by the media, was still talking about his own journey...

In the corner, a young man slowly took off his mask, stood up, stood upright in the crowd, and spoke word by word——

"The colorful feather coat is my design and a work completed by myself!"

This sound was like pouring a basin of cold water into a hot flame, and the warm atmosphere suddenly fell into silence, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone's eyes instantly turned from Dai Wei to the young man with cold eyes.

The young man's appearance was exquisite and handsome, but his face was pale without a trace of blood, and the fire in his eyes seemed to be able to burn the entire palace.

Dai Wei was enjoying the comfort of being surrounded by fame and benefits when he suddenly heard this nightmarish voice, which was like a thunderbolt striking from his heavenly spirit cap.

When he turned around stiffly and saw the young man's face clearly, he became even more stunned for an instant.

Gong…Gong Shangze! ! !

He actually saw Gong Shangze!

Impossible, how could it be Gong Shangze!

This is absolutely impossible!

He was clearly begging on Lorraine Street, and he must have gone crazy and didn't know which dark alley he died in.

How is it possible to show up at the Lorraine International Fashion Week fully clothed!

Everyone else's eyes were on Gong Shangze at the moment, and they didn't notice the flash of strangeness on Dai Wei's face.

The media guests at the scene looked at each other in confusion, and it took a long time before they finally came back to their senses.

A reporter asked with a sullen expression, "Sir, who are you?"

What Gong Shangze is not good at is communicating with others. Even when attending such an occasion, he has to wear a mask and cover himself tightly to feel safe, let alone speak under so many eyes.

The young man's palms were wet with sweat until he noticed a gaze in the crowd that was always shining on him...

"Zeling's chief designer ZX, his Chinese name is Gong Shangze!" The young man answered clearly.

The moment the young man finished speaking, there was another round of incredible discussion.

"Zeling's chief designer?"

"Ah! It turns out that he is the legendary designer ZX from Zeling who has never appeared before!"

"But, what did he mean by what he just said? He actually said... the colorful feather coat was his design and a work completed by himself? Isn't this a fantasy? How could History's work be completed by their Zeling designer? ?”

Dai Wei stared at the young man opposite him whom he had not seen for two full years.

Not only did the young man show no sign of being depressed, but he was dressed appropriately, and even his usual shyness in front of others was gone, so much so that he almost didn't recognize him when he first saw him.

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