Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2041 Stolen Design Draft

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

What he never expected was that Gong Shangze turned out to be Zeling's chief designer!

It turns out that the person who has always been against him is actually this kid!

No wonder... no wonder!

No wonder Ze Ling’s design style is so similar to Gong Shangze’s, it’s really him!

Really lucky!

There was a fierce look in Dai Wei's eyes. The initial shock and panic gradually turned into disdain and confidence.

Haha, Aze, I haven’t seen you for two years, but you are still as naive as ever!

Do you think you can defeat me just by relying on your strength?

Do you think that if you say that the colorful feather coat is your design, everyone will believe you?

Everything was as Dai Wei expected...

Not only did everyone at the scene look at Gong Shangze with strange eyes, the fans in the domestic live broadcast room spoke even more harshly and explicitly——

"I'll go! This guy came out of nowhere! Are you crazy about wanting to be famous? Just plagiarize and follow History all the way! Now he actually directly says that these clothes are his designs and made by himself?"

"How shameless! If History hadn't made the world aware of Chinese style, how could Zeling have the opportunity to be invited to participate in the International Fashion Week!"

"It's a disgrace that's been sent abroad! Get out of the fashion week and don't be embarrassed anymore!"

Amid the scolding, some rational netizens also raised suspicions:

"Is there something hidden? Zeling's designer wouldn't be able to say such baseless things on an occasion like today if he had any brains, right?"

"Actually, Zeling's clothes are quite nice. The invitation to Lorraine Fashion Week this time is also international recognition of Zeling. Is there really no need to do such a thing?"

Comments like this were quickly suppressed by History advocates:

"Do you think a designer who only knows how to copy goods has a brain? He is stupid, but he thinks we are stupid too!"

“He hasn’t designed any works for a year, okay? His recent works are all based on History’s trend, and even the design that won the Golden Top Award that year was imitated and borrowed from History!

The copycats have tasted the sweetness, and now they are taking advantage of it. They simply accuse History of stealing his works! How could there be such a shameless person? "

At this moment, there was already a lot of discussion at the scene, and the eyes looking at Gong Shangze were very strange.

A reporter asked - "Mr. Gong, just now you said that the colorful feather coat was your design. What do you mean by this?"

Gong Shangze: "Literally, the colorful and feathery clothes are mine. Dai Wei stole my work. Not only the colorful and feathery clothes, but also the 'Spring Garden' is also my design."

"What did you say..." The reporter who asked the question looked confused.

Was it also his design that Dai Wei stunned the international fashion circle two years ago?

"Water Hibiscus, Forest, Late Autumn..." Gong Shangze listed more than a dozen History theme series in one breath, as well as the specific release time of each series, and finally said: "These were all stolen from me by Dai Wei. The design draft is gone!”

In the corner, Dai Wei almost laughed out loud after listening to Gong Shangze's words.

The expression was full of sympathy and regret, as if looking at a poor guy who knew he was about to die but was still struggling to die.

Oh, he knew that this idiot was nothing to be afraid of.

He can kill himself without him taking action.

Today, the Zeling designer named Gong Shangze said something really shocking.

The leader of Chinese style, the talented Chinese designer Dai Wei, even praised by the godfather of fashion, all his classic and famous works were stolen?

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