Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2042 If I can prove

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The reporter quickly asked: "If what you said is true, why didn't you say it before? And you just said that those were design drafts that Dai Wei stole from you. Is there any evidence?"

Gong Shangze: "No."

Reporter: "Uh..."

When everyone present heard this, their expressions were speechless.

The scolding in China is almost blocking the servers of live video websites.

"Damn it! See you soon! You're a real idiot!"

"You say plagiarism is plagiarism, you say theft is theft, and what you say is yours is yours. Then I still say that I am your father!"

"If you are not as strong as others, you can't be so mindless and throw dirty water, right?"

"How on earth did such a small brand that can't get on the stage be chosen? It's such an embarrassment to our country!"

"Tsk..." Looking at everyone's reaction, Dai Wei sneered as expected, feeling extremely happy both physically and mentally.

I really have to thank this kid for coming here to seek death. From now on, he no longer has any worries.

"Director Dai, what do you think of Mr. Gong's accusation?" The reporters began to turn to Dai Wei.

Hearing this, Dai Wei let out a long sigh with a sad expression, looked in the direction of Gong Shangze and said, "Director Gong, more than once someone said that your style is imitating yourself, but you are both a Chinese designer and a Chinese designer. National style line, I respect you for working hard for the cultural inheritance of China, and I have never said anything about it.

But I didn't expect that you would confuse right and wrong and choose such a disgusting way to attack me. They are born from the same roots, so why rush each other? "

Dai Wei's words brought everyone's shameless mood to the extreme.

Even the official personnel can't stand it.

At this time, Arcas, the president of the Lorraine Fashion Association and a respected senior in the industry, said in a deep voice, "Mr. Gong, as far as I know, every design draft by designer Dai Wei has a registered copyright, and there is absolutely no way to fake it. . It is absolutely impossible to plagiarize or steal other people’s works. Unless, you have proof earlier.”

When Gong Shangze heard this, he remained silent and did not speak.

Everything about him was robbed by Dai Wei, including his design drafts, computer, and the pen name he had originally created together. Dai Wei had also done the copyright registration in the first place.

Even if he restored the design drafts and redrawn them afterwards, if Dai Wei registered them first, if he published them, it would be a blatant theft of Dai Wei, and even jumping into the Yellow River wouldn't be able to clean it up.

Looking at Gong Shangze's expression, Arcas' expression became even more stern and he warned, "Perhaps you are dissatisfied because you have been suppressed by History, or maybe you are dissatisfied because you have been accused of plagiarizing History.

But, do you know what the consequences will be if you spew blood on people with empty words or on an occasion like today?

If you can't give a reasonable explanation, we will revoke Zeling's invitation, and you will be banned from the entire fashion association! "

"What if I can prove that what I said is true?" Faced with the official accusation and everyone's contemptuous eyes, the young man's eyes did not waver at all.

The young man's clear and firm gaze made Arcas pause for a moment, and then he said, "If you can prove that what you said is true, then I can make the decision on behalf of the association and I will definitely give you a fair verdict."

"Okay." Gong Shangze nodded.

Dai Wei looked at the young man opposite him casually, standing there calmly, with a look of confidence on his face.

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