Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2043 Gong Shangze!

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

For those design drafts, he knew the source of inspiration and creation process of each one very well, and he knew it no less than Gong Shangze. If Gong Shangze wanted to use this method to prove that he was the original, he would be too naive.

Gong Shangze's eyes passed over the row of models wearing "neon clothes and feather coats" in the middle of the T stage, and landed on Dai Wei, "Before I prove it, I would like to ask Director Dai a question."

Dai Wei: "Okay, please feel free to ask."

"These six sets of ready-made clothes use many of China's ancient and exquisite skills, especially embroidery, which is extremely ingenious. It is said that the embroidery on these clothes was all done by Director Dai yourself. Is that true?" Gong Shangze looked at him. He spoke coldly.

When Dai Wei heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly, haha, this boy is waiting for him here!

Dai Wei immediately nodded and said, "Yes, because the embroidery on these clothes is extremely difficult, I did it myself. If Director Gong doesn't believe it, I can prove it on the spot."

Hey, Gong Shangze, do you think I really don’t have two brushes after being successful today?

Upon hearing Gong Shangze's question, some industry insiders at the scene also started talking in low voices.

"Does Gong Shangze suspect that these garments were not made by Dai Wei himself?"

"Gong Shangze is probably going to be in trouble this time. Dai Wei is indeed proficient in embroidery, especially Su embroidery, and these sets of clothes use the Su embroidery technique."

"Moreover, even if it is proved that the clothes were not made by Dai Wei, that does not prove that the drawings were not designed by Dai Wei?"

Gong Shangze ignored the whispers around him and said directly, "No need."

Listening to the grievances around him, Dai Wei chuckled and said in a good-tempered manner, "It doesn't matter, everyone communicates with each other, and it's normal to have questions."

After Dai Wei finished speaking, he looked at those exquisite and gorgeous dresses with emotion in his eyes, and said in a recalling tone, "Our Chinese clothing culture is extensive and profound, and the handicrafts are even more exquisite. I have always dreamed that one day I will be able to bring China's clothing culture to life." Culture takes the world stage.

Therefore, in addition to design, I have also done in-depth research on Chinese handicrafts. Turning the drawings into physical objects is a very meaningful process for me! "

Although a good designer does not necessarily have to be a good tailor, a designer who also possesses top craftsmanship skills will definitely be able to better understand clothing.

Dai Wei's words were immediately recognized by many industry peers present.

Gong Shangze stood there quietly from beginning to end without saying a word.

Until Dai Wei finished speaking, the young man suddenly took steps and walked slowly towards the center of the T stage step by step.

The eyes of strangers are like rays on the back, and the severe social barriers make every step of the young man feel like walking on an ice blade.

However, he knew that he could not stop or leave the hotel.

There is someone who is always watching him.

Seeing Gong Shangze suddenly walking towards the stage, everyone looked at him curiously.

Everyone's eyes were filled with impatience.

"What does this person want to do?"

"What a great international fashion event, but it was turned into such a mess by a clown!"

"I should have kicked him out just now!"

There were more and more voices of dissatisfaction in the audience, and Gong Shangze finally walked up to one of the models wearing a colorful feather coat.

Her fingers, so white that they were almost transparent, carefully held the model's wide cuffs and slowly turned the cuffs upwards.

The next second, the young man's gaze shot towards Dai Wei opposite him like a sharp blade——

"Now, let me ask Director Dai my second question. Why do you want to embroider my name on your work?"

"What?" Dai Wei's expression changed when he heard this.

The next second, the high-definition camera zoomed in.

On the huge screen behind everyone, on the back of the sleeves embroidered with exquisite patterns in Gong Shangze's hand, there were three clear Chinese characters embroidered in neat official script - Gong Shangze!

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