Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2044 Shocking reversal

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Under the high-definition camera, the texture of the clothing material and every stitch and thread of the embroidery can be clearly seen.

The three words "Gong Shangze" embroidered with gold thread were clearly displayed in front of everyone sitting here, as well as all the viewers watching the live broadcast from across the ocean.

There are professional simultaneous interpreters throughout Lorraine Fashion Week.

After hearing Gong Shangze's words and seeing the three words on the big screen with the sleeves turned inside out, many foreign industry insiders began to ask their Chinese colleagues around them.

"What is that? The Chinese characters? The designer actually said that was his name?"

"Yes, that's the Chinese language, and it's indeed the name of the designer!"

"God! This is impossible!"

Everyone in the circle knows that many designers like to leave a special small mark that only they know on their most proud works. It may be a symbol with special protection meaning, or it may be their own name or initials.

But I have never heard of anyone leaving other people's names on their works.

At this moment, Dai Wei stared at the three words "Gong Shangze" on the big screen as if he had seen a ghost, his heart beating wildly and sweat pouring down his forehead.

"Uh, what's going on? Why is Gong Shangze's name embroidered on Dai Wei's work?"

"Could it be that someone had tampered with it?"

"Just now Gong Shangze specifically asked Dai Wei if he had embroidered the embroidery on these clothes himself, and Dai Wei swore that he did!"

"Oh my God! This flip...could it be that the colorful feather coat was really stolen by Dai Wei?"

"Then the origins of Dai Wei's other designs are worthy of further investigation!"

Listening to the discussions around him, Dai Wei's limbs were numb and his hands and feet were cold. He subconsciously looked towards a certain position in the front row.

Ning Xueluo's expression was extremely ugly.

damn it!

how come! ! !

Gong Shangze is an idiot. He is as unsuspecting as a fool. How could he have thought of doing something like this to his clothes in the first place!

And why did he not find anything after checking these clothes countless times for such a long time!

The most disgusting thing is that this kid just dug a hole for him and made him say on the spot that all the embroidery on these clothes was embroidered by himself.

Now there is nothing I can do to change my mind!

For a moment, Dai Wei's brain almost exploded.

At this time, Arcas, the president of the Lorraine Clothing Association, had strode onto the stage to inspect the clothes in person.

As a result, after inspection, all six sets of ready-made clothes, without exception, had Gong Shangze's name on the inconspicuous position on the back of the cuffs.

Suddenly, the scene was in an uproar!

All the fans in China who were watching the live broadcast were dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Why is it that every set of the neon clothes and feather coats exhibited by Dai Wei is embroidered with Gong Shangze's name?

On the stage, after Arcas checked the clothes, his sharp eyes fell on Dai Wei opposite him, "Director Dai, can you explain?"

Dai Wei came back to his senses with a shock, swallowed, and tried to maintain his composure. With an incredible expression, he said indignantly, "How could this happen! This is impossible! How could I embroider this on my work?" The names of other designers, this embroidery was not done by me at all!”

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