Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2054 The founder of Zeling

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

What! ! !

This... what does this mean?

Following Ning Xi's calm words, all the reporters watching, including everyone at the scene, suddenly exclaimed.

Ning Xueluo's face suddenly lost all color.

What did Ning Xi just say?

Dig her! ! !

She seemed to have heard Gong Shangze calling her... boss! ?

How can this be!

She must have heard wrong!

There must be a mistake somewhere!

"Miss Ning Xi! What do you mean by what you just said?"

"What do you mean, Mr. Ning is poaching you in front of you?"

"Do you are spiritual..."

Just when reporters were chasing Ning Xi like crazy and asking questions, Gong Shangze's low and hoarse voice sounded clearer and clearer in the noisy crowd——

"Miss Ning Xi is my boss and the founder of our Zeling!"

With Gong Shangze's affirmative answer, everyone was stunned and the scene was in an uproar.

"I'll go! The boss behind Ze Ling is actually Ning Xi?"

"What a shock!"

"No wonder Ning Xi never accepts clothing endorsements! It turns out she has her own company!"

"The person in charge of Zeling's public appearances has always been Qiao Weilan, and Qiao Weilan is obviously Qin Shengyue's subordinate. I thought Zeling's boss was Qin Shengyue!"

"This Ning Xi not only poached Qin Shengyue's most capable subordinate, but also received a genius like Gong Shangze!"

"Mr. Gong, are you saying that Queen Ning is actually your boss and the founder of Zeling?" the reporter asked with a look of disbelief on his face.

Gong Shangze nodded and replied, "At first, no one believed what I said. I had no way to complain and was begging on the streets of Lorraine with no money. It was my boss who discovered me, believed in me, and took me back to China to help me establish a business. Liao Zeling has always supported me until today..."

The reporter excitedly continued to ask, "It's actually like this! I wonder how you and Miss Ning Xi met in the first place?"

Gong Shangze pursed his lips and paused slightly, as if recalling some beautiful things. He said softly, "At that time, the boss bought a lot of history clothes. When he passed by me, he probably saw me staring at him. He looked at her and gave me a sandwich...

At that time, I discovered that the design of one of those clothes was basically my unfinished design draft and had many flaws, so I couldn't help but speak out.

At that time, I was filled with anger and hatred. Seeing that all my semi-finished products were stolen, I directly scolded the dress for being ugly...

Who would listen to a beggar’s words, which were so unpleasant... But at that time, the boss listened to my analysis and my story from beginning to end..."

Gong Shangze's eyes turned slightly red as he recalled the situation back then.

And everyone present was attracted by the young man's memories.

Gong Shangze took a deep breath and continued, "At the beginning, under such a blow, I was completely desperate and could not even design any work anymore. It was the appearance of my boss that gave me hope.

On the plane back to China with my boss, I originally thought I would never be able to design any more works, but I designed my first work after returning to China, Nirvana.

It was also this work that won me the Golden Summit Award and gave me a new beginning..."

Hearing this, some people at the scene suddenly looked enlightened, "Ah! It turns out that Nirvana was designed in this way! No wonder it is so shocking and explosive!"

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