Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2055 What kind of owner and what kind of dog?

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Qu Guanyang nodded and showed his original expression.

At the beginning, he felt that there must be a story in this suit, but he didn't expect that the inside story was more tragic than he imagined.

"Later, at the beginning, our studio encountered many difficulties. From registration to site selection, the boss also went to great lengths to hire a professional marketing director and opened the first flagship store...

The boss said that one day he would help me clarify all the truth in front of the whole world. The boss also said that in the face of real strength, all tricks are futile. One day, when the spirit is strong enough to have enough voice, even if I don’t If there is evidence, someone will believe me!

These words have been supporting me all this time..."

Having said this, Gong Shangze continued to speak with a gloomy expression, "Originally everything was going in a good direction, until something happened to the boss..."

After hearing this, everyone already knew that Gong Shangze was probably talking about Ning Xi being in a vegetative state and comatose for a year.

"The meaning of my boss to me is not only my boss, but also my belief. Because of her, I regained my inspiration and confidence in design. The reason why I came back is not only for me. I also want to prove to my boss that she is not wrong about the person, and I want to be her pride!

However, in the year when my boss disappeared, I suddenly lost my direction. I thought I was abandoned again.

Those self-doubts and uneasiness, as well as the sudden lack of faith, made it impossible for me to design another work...until...the boss came back..."

After hearing this, everyone already understood what was going on.

No wonder...

No wonder Gong Shangze suddenly didn't design a single work for more than a year. No wonder Ze Ling launched a series of dazzling new works soon after Ning Xi's comeback.

"Returning to nature", isn't this the truest portrayal of Ning Xi after her comeback?

It turns out that the inspiration for this series also comes from Ning Xi!

Also, no wonder every time Ning Xi wears Zeling's clothes, she looks so stunning and fits her perfectly. It even makes people feel that those clothes were designed just for Ning Xi!

Can it not fit? Ning Xi is clearly Ze Ling's muse!

Everyone was extremely moved when they heard Gong Shangze's words, and became even more contemptuous of Dai Wei's shameless behavior.

At the same time, everyone who was almost brainwashed by Ning Xueluo just now came to their senses.

This woman was clearly helping Dai Wei to commit evil, yet she was able to confuse right and wrong and shamelessly say that History was established for Gong Shangze.

It was obviously History that drove Gong Shangze into the abyss of despair and almost destroyed such a talented designer!

After listening to all of Gong Shangze's stories, all the domestic audiences began to binge-watch their screens——

"My brother Xi is indeed mighty and domineering!"

"You have a unique vision and you are a good judge of people!"

"This story is so lovely. I cried when I heard Gong Shangze's words just now! It's so touching!"

“They are not only bosses and employees, but also the most suitable partners!”

While sighing for Ning Xi and Gong Shangze, the talented couple, everyone was also furious at Ning Xueluo's behavior.

"I'm in trouble! Ning Xueluo is so shameless! Just now she actually wanted to poach Xiao Zeze from our brother Xi's family!"

"Nah, Ning Xueluo robbed Ning Xi's parents and her boyfriend, and now Ning Xueluo's men have robbed someone else's design draft! It's true that the dog is the same as its owner!"

[Good night, the update is over~ Sorry, dear friends, I was too busy before. Now I will announce the winners of the long-term review event: the gorgeous flower in the sea of ​​fish, Lu Mian. Fifteen, Kevin, Tianya, a hole in the brain, Xiaozhen, Mo On the ninth night of the ninth lunar month, the white dew is not hopeless, it is a small blessing, and hey! Winners please join the group to claim the prize: 439909781 (fill in your winning ID to verify the information, and you need to provide a screenshot of your comment to claim the prize)]

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