Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2056 The annoying little goblin

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Soon, all the gossip about Lorraine Fashion Week spread back to China.

Dai Wei, the chief designer of History, was exposed in a shocking scandal and was expelled and banned on the spot by the International Fashion Council. Zeling staged a Chinese story that captivated the country during fashion week. All domestic and foreign media rushed to report on this stunning event that shocked the world. The world's big show, fashionable people praise it.

Suddenly, Zeling became famous in the international fashion industry and became the new favorite in the industry, with orders flowing in like snowflakes.

As for History, because of this scandal that caused a sensation in the international fashion industry, the stock price dropped to the limit the next day, and all the well-known partners terminated their contracts. Ning Xueluo rushed back to the country overnight, asking people to find connections, trying to save it. The decline of History has had little effect...

Los Angeles, a film and television shooting base.

The filming of "The Killer" is finally complete.

With the director's last "pass" command, all the staff were so excited that they clapped, hugged and said goodbye to each other.

Ning Xi was immersed in the excitement of finishing the film and the sadness of parting, when suddenly a voice that made her scalp numb came from behind her.

"Hi~ Dear Xixi~ It's finally finished~ Congratulations~"

"Ahem, thank you, Senior Orlando!" Ning Xi was about to hide, but it was already too late.

Orlando stepped forward with his long legs and blocked her tightly at the door. His peach blossom eyes were shining brightly, looking at him expectantly, "My dear, are you definitely free tonight?"

Ning Xi pinched her eyebrows and said, "Ahem, I want to have dinner with everyone tonight."

Orlando immediately looked disappointed, "Oh, what a pity, what about tomorrow? Is it okay tomorrow?"

Ning Xi wondered, "Sorry, I have an appointment with Lilian tomorrow."

"What about the day after tomorrow?" Orlando persisted.

"Uh..." Ning Xi had a splitting headache.

Recently, the crew of "The Thunderbolts" finally came out with the news that it will be released in the near future. In addition, she happened to be in Los Angeles during this time, so Director Martin invited her over for several meetings, during which it was inevitable that she would encounter Orlando as one of the protagonists.

Ever since Orlando accidentally shot her with a gun more than a year ago, he has been in contact with her. However, she was in a coma for a whole year at the time, so she didn't know it. It was only after she woke up and checked her email after a long time that she discovered that he had sent her a message. I sent many apologetic emails.

After meeting again, Orlando treated her to a meal and apologized to her again.

The truth about the fake gun being replaced by a real gun has long been revealed. It has nothing to do with Orlando, so naturally Ning Xi won't care.

Originally, the matter would have ended here, but unfortunately... this playboy Orlando... got stuck on her...

After that day, he started going to the hotel where she was staying every day to harass her, and now he even went directly to the set.

After all, during the promotion period of "Thunderbolt" for a long period of time, they would have to work together and meet frequently. Ning Xi couldn't say something too harsh. Unfortunately, Orlando was too nervous. She refused several times and still refused. any effect.

At this moment, facing the eager and longing eyes of this man who was called "little goblin" by all the girls, Ning Xi collapsed.

This guy is really not an ordinary grinder...

Just when Ning Xi was racking her brains to find an excuse to turn down Orlando's invitation, there was a sound of footsteps behind her.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, but I couldn't find you. Why are you here alone?"

I saw Jiang Muye with waterfall-like ink-colored waist-length hair, starry eyes, and lips like cherry blossoms. He was wearing a black motorcycle suit with tight pants and Martin boots. He looked heroic, crossed his arms across his chest, spoke in an impatient tone, and frowned slightly. She looked at Ning Xi and Orlando beside her.

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