Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2059 Shall we hug one too?

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Without Orlando's entanglement, Ning Xi's last few days in Los Angeles were extremely comfortable and carefree.

Zeling has already been preparing to go public, and everything is ready. This time, taking advantage of the glory at Lorraine Fashion Week, it went all out and successfully listed on Wall Street.

That day, Tang Lang clamored to let Ning Xi treat her to a big dinner.

"Mr. Tang! If you don't treat me to this meal, why don't you say you can't go?" Tang Lang touched his chin, looking like he was determined to give her a slap.

Ning Xi rolled her eyes at him, "Please, please! Of course! But what's the point of us eating together? I heard from Third Senior Sister that she and Senior Brother are also in Luo City. Why don't we ask them to come out together? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Gathered together!"

Tang Lang shrugged, "Scream, I have no objection. The two bosses have made peace for the time being. What else can we little guys say?"

In the past, because the relationship between Lu Tingxiao and Yun Shen was too tense, in order to avoid suspicion, the brothers and sisters rarely met in private. But now, the two parties did not know what agreement they had reached in private, and they actually shook hands with each other in a shocking way. And.

"Hey, I'll call you then~" Ning Xi happily dialed Feng Xiaoxiao's number.

When Feng Xiaoxiao on the other end of the phone heard that Ning Xi wanted to invite them to dinner, she immediately agreed and promised to bring her senior brother with her.

Half an hour later, the four brothers and sisters met at an intersection.

"Ouch! Junior sister~ I love letting people hug me~ Senior sister misses you so much~~" As soon as Feng Xiaoxiao came over, she immediately swooped over and gave Ning Xi a big bear hug.

"Third Senior Sister, I miss you so much!" Ning Xi also rushed over excitedly.

On the side, watching Ning Xi and Feng Xiaoxiao hug each other, Tang Lang raised his brows and looked at Tang Ye opposite him with a half-smile, who was wearing gold-rimmed glasses and had a cold expression as always, "Elder brother, how about... …Shall we hug one too?”

After saying that, he opened his arms cowardly.

Not surprisingly, Tang Lang's reply was from Tang Ye's look like he was looking at an idiot.

Tang Lang covered his chest with a hurt expression, "Hey, it's so seems like senior brother doesn't miss me at all..."

The moment he finished speaking, Tang Lang suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the shoulder of the man opposite him, and pressed him into his arms, "Although senior brother is so heartless, I still miss senior brother very much..."

Tang Ye's expression suddenly froze, and he almost subconsciously started to take action. However, in the end, his hand hung in the air for a long time, and finally he lowered his hand as if to compromise.

Tang Lang seemed to have expected this, and the corners of his lips curled up in success.

"Let's go, let's go! I'll take you to a super feast! I'm treating you today, you can order whatever you want!" Ning Xi said happily.

Feng Xiaoxiao rubbed Ning Xi's fair and tender face, "Oh my, my junior sister, I'm so capable! I became a CEO, married Bai Fumei, and reached the pinnacle of my life! I'll wait for senior sister to wash her hands in the golden basin, and I'll just follow you!" "

"No problem~"

A group of four people were chatting while walking towards a high-end restaurant in Los Angeles.

Halfway there, Tang Lang was talking casually while putting his arm around Tang Ye's shoulder. Suddenly, someone stretched out a foot under his feet, causing him to not pay attention. He stumbled and almost fell.

"I'm fucking you, uncle! Who is it?" Tang Lang cursed angrily.

I saw a slovenly man who looked like a beggar sitting in the corner. The man covered his face with a newspaper. His long legs were the culprit who tripped Tang Lang just now.

Tang Lang rolled up his sleeves and was about to settle accounts with that man——

A gust of wind blew by, and the newspaper on the man's face suddenly fell down, revealing an incredibly beautiful face.

Tang Lang's eyes widened immediately, with an expression as if he had seen a ghost, "Fuck! Grandpa! You...why are you here?"

[End of update, good night~ Hehehe~ Guess who tripped Tang Lang? After gathering so many great people, I'm going to do something! 】

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