Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2060 Whoever wins will listen to whoever wins

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

"Great God!!!" Ning Xi was also shocked when she saw someone slumped in the corner.

"Second Senior Brother, when did you have a grandfather?" Feng Xiaoxiao looked over suspiciously, and then her eyes suddenly lit up, "Fuck! Second Senior Brother, is your grandfather so handsome?"

After Tang Ye saw the man's appearance clearly, his whole body suddenly became filled with murderous aura, and his whole nerves became tense.

Ning Xi quickly ran over to smooth things over, "Hey, no, no! This is my friend, the great master I told you before. Senior brother, please don't look so scary!"

After speaking, he walked up to Han Xiao speechlessly and looked at his magical appearance paralyzed on the street like a beggar, "Master, why are you here in Luo City?"

Han Xiao clutched his lower abdomen, dying.

Ning Xi thought he was injured, and her face suddenly became nervous, "Master, are you..."

As a result, the next second I heard this guy say, "Hungry..."

"..." Ning Xi suddenly had black lines on her head. The great master was great, but his survival skills were really zero. I really don't know how he survived to this day.

However, it is still very pleasant to meet old friends in a foreign country. Ning Xi hurriedly invited, "Master, we are going to have dinner. Do you want to go together?"

"Okay!" Han Xiao immediately stood up, "KFC?"

Ning Xi: "Ahem, no..."

Tang Lang, who was holding a plate, said earnestly, "Grandpa, don't think about those junk fried foods, okay? We are going to have a big meal today!"

Han Xiao frowned slightly, "I don't like it."

Tang Lang continued to persuade, "Grandpa, I guarantee you will like it after you try it, and you will never want to eat that food again!"

Han Xiao: "Let's have a fight, whoever wins will listen."

Tang Lang immediately turned to Ning Xi, "Junior sister, let's go eat KFC!"

Ning Xi: "..."

Feng Xiaoxiao: "..."

Tang Ye: "..."

Well, they can't beat it either.

In the end, the meal Tang Lang longed for turned into fried food.

What's even worse is that there is no KFC nearby. In the end, I could only see that I was about to reach the door of the restaurant, and I turned around and finally found one far away.

In the small store, five people sat miserably around a small table.

"Master, what are you doing in Luo City this time?" Ning Xi asked.

A certain master had a chicken in his left hand and a hamburger in his right hand. He was eating so happily that he couldn't hear anyone talking at all.

The long-awaited feast was gone, and Tang Lang whispered to Ning Xi, Tang Ye, and Feng Xiaoxiao, "Hey, why don't the four of us go together! Maybe we can win?"

While Ning Xi diligently handed the chicken legs to the master, she shook her head like a rattle, "If you want to commit suicide, you can kill yourself! Don't drag me into the water!"

Feng Xiaoxiao looked eager to try, "It's so awesome, I really want to try it!"

Ning Xi reminded with a serious expression, "The senior brother and the second senior brother can't defeat each other together!"

"Uh... forget it then..." Feng Xiaoxiao suddenly said with great discernment.

Han Xiao didn't know how long it had been since he had eaten. He was in a state of confusion. Ning Xi and Tang Lang were already used to it, but Feng Xiaoxiao and Tang Ye were dumbfounded.

Especially Tang Ye, who originally had a vigilant and sharp expression, but at this moment, Han Xiao's image has probably completely collapsed in his mind...

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