Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2061 A group of lambs

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Xi and the other four were watching the master eat in silence. Suddenly, there was a loud "bang" at the door, and the door was kicked open.

A group of tall, muscular men from the M country wearing black vests rushed into the store with murderous intent. They immediately surrounded Ning Xi's table with a roar, and then yelled fiercely at the other people in the store, "Other irrelevant people." Get everyone out of here!"

The visitor had a gun in his hand. The customers in the shop screamed and left, and the clerks all trembled and hid under the table.

Ning Xi held a chicken wing in her hand, blinked her eyes, and froze on the spot, "Robbing... robbing?"

Tang Lang held an ice cream in his hand and licked it lazily, "Hit me, I'm here for you!"

"Except for this woman, all of you, get out of here! Don't meddle in other people's business! Otherwise, don't blame me for not having eyesight for my gun!" One of the leading men wearing a skull necklace kicked over the stool next to him. Then he threatened Tang Lang and others except Ning Xi.

Tang Lang was licking the ice cream, Feng Xiaoxiao was holding her chin and smiling weirdly, Tang Ye was sitting expressionlessly, and Han Xiao was concentrating on eating without even raising his head...

The reaction of these four people immediately angered the man, and the skeleton man was furious, "Bastard! Yellow-skinned pig! Weak chicken! And you, sissy! I'm talking to you! Do you hear me! Are you looking for death!?"

Zamao Tanglang: "..."

Yellow-skinned pig Feng Xiaoxiao: "..."

Weak chicken Tang Ye: "..."

Sissy Han Xiao: "..."

"Pfft-cough cough cough cough..." Upon hearing the words of the leading man, Ning Xi spit out a mouthful of coke and coughed loudly.


This brother, you are awesome! One sentence offended four gods of death...

Sure enough, the moment the skeleton man finished speaking, the atmosphere on the small round table suddenly changed.

"Miscellaneous hair..." Tang Lang touched the curly hair that he was proud of, and for a moment his eyesight was like a knife.

A cold light shone on Tang Ye's gold glasses.

Feng Xiaoxiao made a "bang" sound and slammed the table angrily, "Fuck! What the hell did you just scold me for!"

As for Master Han Xiao, he is much calmer...

I am concentrating on eating the second family bucket...

The skeleton man had a stern look on his face and said sinisterly with a bloodthirsty expression, "Since you are seeking death, don't blame me for being rude! Come on, brothers!"

Next, Ning Xi shrank to the great god's side, then weakly stretched out her hand to cover her eyes.

Tang Lang was probably the one who deserved the most beatings, so the skeleton man attacked Tang Lang first.

Tang Lang sat there without moving, until the opponent's fist had reached the center of his eyebrows, he immediately swung out his palm and pinched the opponent's fist lightly——

There was a hair-raising sound like bone shattering.

"Ahhhhh——" Then the skeleton man roared heartbreakingly.

On Tang Ye's side, those people probably thought that he was the weakest with glasses, so most of them went to attack him. The final result was so bloody that Ning Xi didn't even see it...

There were crackling noises in the small shop, and the sounds of ghosts crying and wolves howling one after another, it was like hell.

A group of fierce men were lying on the ground begging grandpa to call grandma. The man with the skull necklace who was shouting just now was kicked far away by Tang Lang. In the blink of an eye, he was caught by Feng Xiaoxiao from the opposite side. Just like kicking a ball, he was kicked by two People are so tortured that they are dizzy...

Ning Xi clicked her tongue and shook her head miserably.

These people...could they be idiots?

It’s like a group of plump little lambs rushing into the wolf’s den...

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