Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2079 The evidence is conclusive

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Ning Xi looked surprised when she heard this, "Crushing a bedbug to death is something worth being proud of?"

"You..." Ning Xueluo suddenly clenched her fingers and was so angry that her body began to tremble. However, she quickly restored her elegant posture, smiled nonchalantly, and said unhurriedly, "Ning Xi, originally , I want to leave you a way to live..."

Outside the door, a burst of messy footsteps came, and Su Yan's voice seemed to be vaguely heard.

Ning Xueluo glanced at the glass of water on the coffee table with her peripheral vision, and slowly gave Ning Xi a strange sneer.

She didn't know when three white pills appeared in her palm. Those pills fell into the glass of water one by one from Ning Xueluo's palm, melting and disappearing in an instant.

Ning Xueluo picked up the glass of water, and then continued to speak quietly, "It's only you who blames you for insisting on going to the road of death... Then... you can't blame me..."

After saying that, he drank all the water in the cup.

Within a moment, Ning Xueluo's expression suddenly changed, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground with a shattering sound.

Blood spilled from the corner of Ning Xueluo's mouth, she covered her stomach with all her strength, and rolled on the ground.

"Xueluo——" At this time, after Su Yan heard the sound inside, he opened the door with a bang and rushed in. His expression changed drastically as he looked at Ning Xueluo lying on the ground and the broken cup beside her. And the blood spreading under her body.

Ning Xi was sitting at her desk, not even moving her brows from beginning to end.

Ning Xueluo held her stomach in disbelief and stared at the water glass that shattered on the ground, "In this actually..."

The corners of Ning Xi's lips raised slightly, and before Ning Xueluo could say anything, she interrupted her directly, "Okay, I know what you want to say, I gave you the medicine in this water, but it's a pity that I don't have it here. Surveillance, otherwise the evidence will be more conclusive, but this cup is not worth a few dollars, so you can take it."

Hearing Ning Xi's obviously sarcastic words, Ning Xueluo's body stiffened unnoticeably for a moment, but soon turned into a heartbroken expression, "Sister...I came to see you today...originally I wanted to have a relationship with you. It's over... No matter what you want me to do... I just hope you... don't hurt innocent people anymore...

Why...why are you still so stubborn...the one in my brother Yan's child...the child is innocent...the mother's child is gone...isn't this enough...why..."

"Xueluo! Xueluo—" Su Yan quickly picked up the unconscious Ning Xueluo, looked back at Ning Xi with a complicated expression, and then rushed out of the house quickly.

Su Yan carried Ning Xueluo all the way through the staff area and the lobby, which unsurprisingly aroused another wave of surprised comments...

In the office, Ning Xi stared deeply at the direction Su Yan left, not knowing what she was thinking.

Deer Town, Garden House.

After returning home after get off work, Ning Xi immediately made two phone calls.

Soon, both sides responded.

On the first call, Shi Xiao helped her confirm that Zhuang Lingyu's child was indeed gone and had been deliberately hit by a car.

It seems that this shit basin has been put on her head again, but the other party must have no evidence, otherwise Zhuang Lingyu would have sent her to jail long ago, and Ning Xueluo would not deliberately come to the company to act like this. He did not hesitate to resort to the extreme method of aborting his own child to frame her.

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