Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2080 Come prepared

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The second call was transoceanic long distance.

As she expected, Jason said that Ning Xueluo had never contacted him since his last failure. Otherwise, if there was any trouble on Ning Xueluo's side, Solomon would definitely contact her. However, during this period, there was no one there. There is no news.

Ning Xi sat on the sofa, thought for a while, and then made a third call, asking Tang Lang to help her check something.

Ten minutes later, Tang Lang called her back. No one on the street took Zhuang Lingyu's order.

There is no doubt that the murderer who killed Zhuang Lingyu's child with his car must have something to do with Ning Xueluo. As long as he finds this person and proves that he was ordered by Ning Xueluo, then everything will be revealed.

But now, it was as if this person didn't exist at all, leaving no trace. Ning Xueluo neither used Solomon's connections nor paid for the murder.

Now everyone knows that Ning Xueluo entered her company. She was fine when she went in, but her child was gone when she came out. What's more, Su Yan was present to testify...

No wonder Ning Xueluo was so powerful this time, and even framed her directly in such a high-profile, simple and crude way. It seemed that he was prepared. If he strangled her to death, he would definitely not get rid of the crime this time...

Ning Xi's fingers slowly tapped the glass coffee table under her palm, thinking carefully.

the next day.

Ning Xi didn't seem to be affected by this incident at all, and she interestingly made an appointment with a well-known racing driver in the circle to compete.

In the afternoon, we met with director Martin, screenwriter, and special effects artist to discuss the filming of the second part.

When she got home in the evening, her personal cell phone rang urgently.

Tsk, it’s faster than she thought, I really can’t wait...

The call was made by grandpa himself.

"Hey, Grandpa."

"Xiao short, come to the hospital now!"

"I know, grandpa, I'll be there later."

For such a big matter, Ning Xueluo naturally wanted to ask her grandfather to make the decision. Not only her grandfather, but also the entire family would probably be invited to bear witness.

Ning Xi changed her clothes and then drove to the Imperial Capital First People's Hospital alone.

As she expected, everyone was present in the large VIP ward.

People from the Ning family, people from the Su family, grandpa, and even Ning Qiutong all rushed back from abroad.

Ning Xueluo was seen lying on the bed with a pale face and a look of despair and sorrow. Zhuang Lingyu was sitting in a wheelchair beside the bed, with a look of distress on her face. Next to her stood Ning Yaohua with a gloomy expression, and Su Yan's family Sit on the sofa opposite.

Everyone's face was extremely solemn.

In addition to these people, there was also a room full of relatives from the Ning family and the Su family who came to visit her. At this moment, they were all comforting Ning Xueluo with their words.

"Xueluo, don't be sad, the old man will definitely make the decision for you!"

"Xueluo, you are the eldest daughter-in-law of our Su family after all, and the eldest grandson in your belly is the eldest grandson of the Su family. Do you think our Su family is easy to bully?"

"Exactly! If there is no explanation for this matter, it will never be over!"

The old man was sitting by the window, leaning on a cane, with a look of exhaustion on his face.

The Ning family suddenly lost two children, and the old man was probably the one who suffered the greatest blow.

The matter was of great importance, and there were people in this room. It didn't take much to think about it. Zhuang Lingyu and Ning Xueluo were probably secretly calling these people to testify.

Ning Xi understood that in this situation, Grandpa couldn't speak for herself.

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