Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2082 Acknowledgment

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

He said that I had given the medicine myself and that I wanted to harm my own child.

Say it, and then see, who in the whole room will believe you?

Who would go on a blind date and I would drug myself to kill my own child...

Ning Qiutong on the side frowned and was about to speak, but Ning Xi held her hand down.

Ning Xi's eyes swept over everyone calmly, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, outlining a cold smile, "It doesn't matter if it was me, let alone the child, even if I poison her to death, how can you kill her?" How am I?"

The moment Ning Xi finished speaking, the expressions of everyone in the room changed.

Su Yan, who had always looked complicated and forbearing, was full of shock and disbelief, "Xiao Xi... you... it's really you who did everything..."

Although the facts were before his eyes, he still couldn't accept it after hearing Ning Xi's admission.

Zhuang Lingyu and Ning Yaohua were like wild beasts after seeing the blood, and they tore it up crazily, "You beast! Beast!!! What evil did our Ning family do! Such a vicious bastard came out!" You won’t even let your own brother go!”

"Oh my god! How dare she admit it!"

"Otherwise? The evidence is conclusive, can she escape!"

"You have done this kind of thing and you still don't show any sign of repentance. Your attitude is so arrogant, it's simply too much!"

At this time, not only Zhuang Lingyu and Ning Yaohua, but also Zheng Minjun and Su Hongguang's expressions became extremely ugly.

Zheng Minjun rushed out and started scolding, "You vicious woman! Even if you like our Su Yan and want to enter the Su family, you can't kill Su Yan's child! This is Su Yan's own flesh and blood." ! Why are you so vicious! Now you are just treating the child with a small hand. If you really enter the door of our Su family in the future, if it doesn't go to your liking, you will even harm me!"

Su Hongguang had no idea that as a descendant of the banker, Ning Xi's character would be so bad.

This is not a petty matter of jealousy, this is murder!

After killing someone, she still looked innocent and calm. How terrible is this woman?

Zhuang Lingyu covered her chest, which was aching with anger, "What a beast! So despicable and despicable, not even one ten thousandth as good as Xueluo, yet she still wants to marry into the Su family and steal Xueluo's husband! Look, Look at what you are! Are you worthy?"

Su Hongguang said with a solemn expression, "I'm sorry Yaohua, although Ning Xi is your biological daughter, this matter involves human lives, so I'm afraid we can't just let it go so easily."

Zheng Minjun immediately screamed excitedly, "She killed my grandson, of course she has to call the police!"

Ning Xi raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard this, "Oh, call the police?"

Seeing Ning Xi's confident look, Ning Yaohua was furious, "Beast! I don't care who is behind you or who you rely on to support you! You can't go anywhere unless this matter is resolved!"

He was still a little worried about Zhuang, but when he thought about Zhuang's strict family tradition, if Zhuang knew what Ning Xi had done, he might not be able to spare her.

Zhuang Lingyu sneered, "You must be so confident because of the financial backers!"

Even Zhuang Lingyu, her biological mother, said this, and the other people in the room naturally looked at Ning Xi with even weirder expressions.

"There are rumors that she is being kept, but it turns out it's true!"

"It's a joke that such a person actually wants to marry us, Su Yan!"

"Today's little stars all have no self-awareness. They all have their heads sharpened, and they only think about marrying into a rich family. They dare to use any dirty methods, and they don't think about what they are!"

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