Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2083 No interest in bigamy

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Listening to the cynicism from the relatives of the Su family around him, Ning Yaohua's face turned blue and white, hoping that this dirty stain would disappear from this world immediately and forever.

He was still a little hesitant at first, thinking that the family scandal should not be made public. If it happened, he would be disgraced after all.

But at this moment, he had completely made up his mind to send Ning Xi to prison and completely remove this evil obstacle from everyone's sight. Otherwise, he didn't know how many embarrassing things would happen in the future.

Seeing that Ning Xi was definitely doomed this time, Zheng Minjun was furious because of her grandson's death. "Ning Xi, don't have such wishful thinking. A woman like you, as long as I'm here, you'll be like this." Don’t even think about marrying Su Yan in your entire life!”

Listening to those words, Ning Qiutong was about to explode with rage. If she hadn't been held down by Ning Xi, she would have gone berserk.

She knew that Su Yan was Ning Xi's biggest wound. Originally, she was still worried about Ning Xi, but she saw that Ning Xi was not angry but smiling. She lowered her eyes and slightly curved the corners of her lips. That smile complemented the girl's elegant and elegant little face. The face is stunning to the extreme...

Ning Xi lowered her eyes and chuckled, then raised her eyes and looked at Zheng Minjun and said, "Sorry, I have very high standards. I'm afraid you won't be able to catch my eye. In addition, I got married two years ago, and , I have no interest in bigamy, Mrs. Su, you are worrying too much."

"You...are so loud!!!" Zheng Minjun was furious to death on the spot. This bitch actually said that she had high standards and looked down on her Su Yan.

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly noticed the second half of Ning Xi's words and was stunned. "What did you say? Are you already married?"

The moment Ning Xi finished her last sentence, Su Yan's expression changed instantly.

Ning Xi is actually married?

And you got married two years ago? !

Su Yan didn't have time to think about it and blurted out, "Xiao Xi, what do you mean by what you just said? Are you married? How is this possible!"

Ning Xi glanced at Su Yan indifferently, "What? I'm getting married, do I still need to report it to you?"

Others in the room seemed not to have expected this result, and they all looked at each other in surprise and discussed.

"No way! Ning Xi is already married? I've never heard of it!"

"Nonsense! They are in the entertainment industry. This kind of thing should be kept secret! Once married, it is worthless! Besides, she doesn't know which old man she married. Does she have the nerve to announce it?"

"This girl is so confident. Is she relying on her husband?"

"Tsk, she's an actress, and she wasn't so popular two years ago. How can she marry into a good family? If she dies, she'll be a nouveau riche!"

When Ning Xueluo heard that Ning Xi was actually married, a trace of surprise appeared on her face. However, she quickly regained her sarcasm. A married rag couldn't even think of competing with her for Su Yan.

Ning Yaohua's face was also filled with contempt and disdain, "Ning Xi, I'm telling you! I don't care who you marry and what you have to rely on. It's useless even if the King of Heaven comes today!"

At this moment, a steady and powerful sound of footsteps sounded from far to near.

Almost at the moment Ning Yaohua's roar fell, the door of the ward was pushed open by a slender finger——

The person who came was tall and tall, with a face as cold as frost, and his whole body was enveloped by the pressure of extreme cold like ice and snow. His eyes like a cold pool swept over everyone in the ward with an icy air, and his low, cold voice hovered at low altitude. In everyone’s ears——


[The eighth update is over~ The couple both tortured the scumbag~]

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