Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2084: Pulling... holding the little hand?

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The man wore a well-tailored silver-gray haute couture suit, with a meticulous white shirt exposed at the collar, and the obsidian cufflinks on the cuffs exuded a cold luster.

Originally, this VIP suite was spacious enough even to accommodate so many relatives and friends. However, the moment the man stepped in, the entire space suddenly seemed cramped, and the pressure of the superiors was overwhelming.

The moment he saw the person coming, Ning Yaohua's arrogant expression just now froze on his face as if it was petrified, as if he couldn't believe his eyes, "Lu... Lu..."

Because he was too shocked, "Lu" couldn't say the next word for a long time.

In the ward, the two relatives who had just pointed at Ning Xi and made all sorts of taunts had their throats strangled one by one, and they all fell silent. They looked in disbelief at this one who only lived in legends and after-dinner gossip, and that one. They were so high up that even wealthy aristocrats like them, a man they might never have the chance to meet in their lifetimes, actually appeared before their eyes like this...

In the early years, they didn't even know this person's appearance. It was not until the past two years that Lu Tingxiao appeared in the public eye several times and was exposed. He was posted on the bedside by the rich ladies in various boudoirs in the imperial capital and was given the title The title of the nation's husband is so popular that it surpasses all movie stars.

The real person of the man is a thousand times more handsome than those blurry photos and video materials, especially the demeanor around him, which is so shocking that it can make people's hearts paralyze.

At this moment, he was wearing a large black trench coat outside his suit. He looked dusty. Behind him was a man who looked like a serious assistant. And outside the ward door, there were two rows of heavily armed and black bodyguards.

A chilling atmosphere quickly spread in the air...

"Oh...oh my''s Lu...Lu I dreaming..." I don't know how long it took before someone finally came back to his senses from the long daze.

Everyone else also reacted, "Pinch me quickly! Pinch me quickly!"

"Aw, so... so handsome! Much more handsome than in the photo!"

"I'm going crazy! What the hell is going on...Why is Lu Tingxiao here?"

Not only those people, but Ning Xi was actually quite surprised. She didn't expect that Lu Tingxiao would suddenly appear, and in such a high-profile way.

"Uh... aren't you coming back the day after tomorrow?" Ning Xi blurted out the question subconsciously.

Lu Tingxiao's almost freezing gaze fell on the girl, and it was like the snow melting in spring. He did not answer, but stared at the girl with a frown on his face.

He took off his windbreaker and strode up to the girl.

First he touched the girl's little hand, then put the coat on her thin shoulders, and said in a low and hoarse voice slightly unhappy, "Didn't you tell me that the temperature has dropped recently?"

Ning Xi lowered her head and glanced at the long woolen skirt that reached her ankles, "I wear it a lot..."

Lu Tingxiao pinched the girl's fingers: "My hands are cold."

Ning Xi: "..." Well, there is a kind of coldness that makes her sweethearts think she is cold.

The expressions of everyone in the ward at this moment: "...!!!"

Pull... hold your little hand! ! ! ! !

Lu Tingxiao even put his coat on Ning Xi himself, and the doting and intimacy in his words were truly melting!

Lu Tingxiao and Ning Xi?

It's going crazy!

This...what is going on!

However, what happened next shocked them even more.

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