Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2097 Irrelevant

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

The scene before her eyes made Ning Xueluo spin. Her chest felt like it was filled with glass slag. She rushed over like crazy, grabbed Han Zixuan's hair, and dragged her out from behind Su Yan, "Smelly cousin! You are so big. How brave, even dare to seduce my man!!!"

"Ah..." Han Zixuan's hair was grabbed, and she howled like a slaughtering pig, but she quickly turned around and tore it back, screaming, "What do I dare not do! Vice President Ning! I will call you Vice President Boss, do you really think that you are still the deputy general manager of Starlight Entertainment who is under one person and above ten thousand people! My cousin! So what if I am your cousin! You are not even as good as your cousin!"

Ning Xueluo went crazy with anger, "Bitch! What did you say! I'll tear your mouth apart!"

Han Zixuan didn't care that she was still naked at the moment. Instead, she held out her chest full of ambiguous traces with a proud and showy expression, "Ha! What did I say? You dare to do it yourself, are you afraid of what others say? You are so stupid, Everyone in the circle has long known that you were not only ruthless in order to seize power and framed your adoptive mother's son, but you also cuckolded Su Yan behind his back and came back pregnant with a bastard! She's even cleaner than you!"

There were many people talking in the hospital that day, and they didn't have the guts to talk nonsense about Ning Xi and Lu Tingxiao outside, but the scandal about the Ning family, the Su family, and Ning Xueluo had already been spread throughout the entire circle with added fuel and jealousy. Su Yan The green on the head is already comparable to the Siberian steppe.

Ning Xueluo never thought that one day, she would be humiliated by a slut that others would find dirty, and this woman would actually crawl into her husband's bed.

Ning Xueluo stared at the silent man on the bed, "Su Yan, are you crazy? Being with such a woman! Do you know how many men she has slept with!"

Han Zixuan clung to Su Yan provocatively, rubbing her plumpness against the man's arm, "So what if I've slept with many men? I'm very skilled. Brother Yan just likes me!"

"You..." Ning Xueluo probably didn't expect that Han Zixuan would be so shameless. She was so angry that she almost fainted, screaming and threw herself at Han Zixuan.

The two people immediately got into a fight.

" Yan, help me..." Han Zixuan cried out for help.

"Ning Xueluo, that's enough!"

With a "pop" sound, Su Yan pushed Ning Xueluo away.

Ning Xueluo was pushed to the floor and looked at the person in front of her in disbelief. When the words "Brother Yan" came to her lips, she was stunned because Han Zixuan had also called him this title just now, and she was so disgusted that she couldn't even say it out.

"Su yelled at me for such a could you do this to me! Are you insulting me or yourself!!!"

Is it just because... just because this woman is somewhat similar to Ning Xi?

Is it because of this that he is even willing to have sex with such an incompetent bitch? But don't want to touch her?

Thinking of this, Ning Xueluo was almost burned out by jealousy.

Su Yan casually put on a pajamas, his eyes were cloudy, the bottom of his eyes was a blue-gray color, and his formerly gentle face was full of disgust and impatience, "Ning Xueluo, if you want Mrs. Su's position, I can give it to you, but That’s all. From now on, we have nothing to do with each other!”

"It has nothing to do with each other..." Ning Xueluo bit these four words tightly, almost bleeding from her lips.

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