Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2098 Xiaobao hit someone

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

She loves her so much that even if she occupies this position like a disgusting cockroach, she is not willing to leave him...

But now, he wants to make her a widow...

"Su Yan... hello... good..."

Ning Xueluo got up and stumbled out.

Who knew, before she reached the parking place, a large group of reporters suddenly rushed out from nowhere and surrounded her in an instant.

"Miss Ning Xueluo, you are ungrateful and killed the child in your adoptive mother's womb. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Ms. Ning, who is the biological father of the child in your belly? There are rumors that it is Mr. Wang of Xinghui Entertainment. Is this true?"

"Even if the child in your belly is not Su Yan's, it is still your biological child. If you kill your own child with your own hands, wouldn't you feel guilty?"

"It is said that you want to blame Ning Xi for the death of your two children. Are you framed Ning Xi again and again because of your inferiority complex and jealousy?"

"Go away! Go away! I won't accept any interviews!" Ning Xueluo wanted to squeeze out of the crowd, but was blocked by reporters and a group of excited fans, unable to get out even half a step.


Someone smashed a rotten egg over, and the egg liquid instantly stuck to her hair and face.

Then more eggs, mineral water bottles and rotten vegetable leaves were smashed over...


The old house of the Lu family.

Yan Ruyi's face was full of anger, "Your parents are really shameful. How could you be so confused!"

Ning Xi said nonchalantly, "Mom, it's okay. It's all over."

Yan Ruyi held Ning Xi's hand with a feeling of distress, "You girl, you are too honest. If it is inconvenient for the banker, you move our Lu family out. If anyone dares to touch you, I will give you half of the grievance." !”

After Yan Ruyi finished speaking, she looked a little nervous and tentatively said, "Ahem, Xiao Xi, it will be Tingxiao's birthday in a while. By then, as the head mother of our Lu family, you will definitely have to Attendance."

Although they had gotten along well with Ning Xi during this period, they were still worried that Ning Xi had a grudge against the Lu family and was unwilling to appear as the head mother.

Naturally, Ning Xi didn't think that much, and with her current status in the entertainment industry, it wouldn't matter if it were disclosed to the public. It was just a matter of time and timing.

So Ning Xi responded directly, "Okay, Mom, I will prepare in advance."

"Okay, okay, that's good!" Yan Ruyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, "You, just go about your business. You don't need to prepare anything. We will arrange the banquet and so on. You just need to dress yourself beautifully. Just show up!"

Ning Xi was talking to Yan Ruyi here, when a loud wail suddenly came from the small garden.

Listening to the sound, it seemed to be coming from the little fat man Chi Shuai.

Chi Shuai and Xiao Bao didn't know each other before. Later, the little guy always liked to follow Xiao Bao and pestered Xiao Bao to teach him kung fu. The little guy was lively and active, which complemented the quiet Xiao Bao's temperament very well. The two of them got along pretty well.

"Ouch - Grandma Yan! Master, he hit me!" At this moment, the little fat man covered one black eye and ran over while crying.

"What's going on? Why does such a good little treasure hit you?" Yan Ruyi looked surprised.

Ning Xi was a little surprised when she saw that Little Baozi's eyes were bruised after being beaten. Xiaobao was definitely not a kid who hit people casually.

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