Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2102 Competition

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

Lu Tingxiao's tone was a little unhappy, "Camera."

"Ah? What happened to the lens?"

Lu Tingxiao: "It's crooked."

Lu Jingli: "Uh..."

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I'll turn the camera on your wife right now!"

As Lu Jingli spoke, he was extremely confused and vomited, "Why are you not worried at all! Your wife is so good at shooting, she was able to kill Guan Ziyao instantly! Although I really hope to see Xiao Xixi win against those people Shame! But if she wins, doesn’t it seem like she’s competing for Li Muyan? It’s so confusing!”

At this moment, the young men and young ladies who were playing shooting around the shooting range gathered around. A group of people watched with interest as the two women competed for one man.

Meng Linlang had previously taken Ning Xi around the circle of ladies and wives, hoping that she would learn how to be the mistress of the house. Therefore, only a few people in the circle of wives knew about Ning Xi's relationship with the banker. Among these young masters and ladies, Except for Li Muyan, everyone only knew that Ning Xi was the most popular star in China.

For occasions like today's in the upper class society, some artists would be invited to liven up the atmosphere. As the first sister of Lu's subsidiary Shengshi Entertainment and the most popular artist at present, it is not surprising that Ning Xi would be invited to cheer up.

I just didn't expect that such a romantic incident would happen today, Ning Xi and Li Muyan?

Even with Ning Xi's current status in the entertainment industry and her status as Zeling's boss, it would be a bit overestimating her abilities to try to get a hold of Li Muyan.

"Alyssa's shooting skills are very good, otherwise she wouldn't have dared to propose this competition. She has used this trick to kill several love rivals!"

"Compared to others, no one is her opponent. Alyssa is proficient in everything!"

"How can an actor, competing in these competitions, be the opponent of a real noble lady like Alyssa? Alyssa's mother is a true royal bloodline of Country F!"

Li Muyan listened to the comments about Alyssa from those around him, and he could not feel the slightest emotion in his heart. He had seen too many young ladies like Alyssa who had been trained by assembly-line elites since childhood. They only had flashy skills, but their souls were boring. Extreme.

When he thought of this, Li Muyan looked at Ning Xi, thinking that she would actually take action for him, and the palms on his sides tightened unconsciously.

In the past few months, he had been cautious and step-by-step, never breaking through the layer of paper, but he was still unsure and confident about her.

But he didn't expect that being messed with by Alyssa today would lead to such unexpected gains for him.

Just as countless thoughts flashed through Li Muyan's mind, the competition between the two had already begun.

Everyone looked towards the two of them.

The competition process is that each person fires one shot until ten shots are fired, and then the total score is tallied.

First shot: Alyssa 9.7 points, Ning Xi 9.6 points.

Second shot: Alyssa 9.6 points, Ning Xi 9.5 points.

Third shot: Alyssa 9.8 points, Ning Xi 9.7 points.

After three shots in a row, Ning Xi fell behind Alyssa. Everyone around her had expressions as expected. Li Muyan tensed his back unconsciously. Ning Xi was a hand-picker, so wasn't she in a bad condition? But it’s still early, there are still seven shots to come!

The competition continues.

Fourth shot: Alyssa scored 9.2 points, Ning Xi scored 9.1 points.

Fifth shot: Alyssa scored 8.9 points, Ning Xi scored 8.8 points.

Sixth shot: Alyssa scored 9.4 points, Ning Xi scored 9.3 points.

Looking at this ring number, everyone was a little dumbfounded...

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