Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2103 I lost

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

If no one felt anything was wrong before, then... by the time of the sixth shot, almost everyone looked a little suspicious.

Uh, isn't it too much of a coincidence? Every time Ning Xi is 0.1 points lower than Alyssa?

The seventh shot: Alyssa only shot 3.4 points, probably because she was mentally affected, but Ning Xi followed up with another shot: 3.3 points.

The expressions of everyone present: "..."

Is it their illusion? Why does Mao have the feeling that... Ning Xi is losing on purpose?

It must be an illusion! It's 0.1 points lower every time. Isn't it harder than hitting ten rings every time?


Eighth shot: Alyssa 9.8 points, Ning Xi 9.7 points

Ninth shot: Alyssa 5.5 points, Ning Xi 5.4 points

The tenth shot: Alyssa obviously made a mistake. She only scored 1 point and almost missed the target. But Ning Xi... missed the target directly, with 0 points.

On the tenth shot, everyone watched helplessly as Ning Xi casually fired a shot into the air.

Everyone: "..."

If they still couldn't tell at this point that Ning Xi lost on purpose, then they were probably blind.

Ning Xi put the safety on the gun, then threw it to the waiter aside. She raised her eyes and looked at Alyssa indifferently, "I lost."

After saying that, the red dress left gracefully.

"You! You did it on purpose!!!" Alyssa was so angry that her face turned red.

Li Muyan stood there blankly, his boiling mood suddenly extinguished as if a basin of cold water had been poured down on his head and face.

Lu Jingli, who was watching the live broadcast, almost dropped his eyes, "Holy shit! My sister-in-law's skill at pinching peach blossoms is really the best! She obviously lost, but she swollen that Alyssa's face!"

"I'll be there soon." Lu Tingxiao said four words and then hung up the phone.

I don't want to wait for a moment anymore, I want to see her.

As the night got darker, almost all the guests had arrived, and the atmosphere became more and more lively. The lights on the lawn lit up like stars, full of a dreamy feeling.

"Wow, it's so beautiful! In the past, Lu Tingxiao's birthday parties were all held in hotels, which were rigid and boring. Didn't you expect it to be so romantic this time?"

"I guess it's for Mrs. Lu!" One of the girls had an envious expression on her face.

"I heard that Mrs. Lu will show up tonight, is it true? I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it! Is it true that Lu Tingxiao is already married?"

"I don't want to believe it, but the news is accurate. There should be nothing wrong. In fact, there have been rumors for a long time. It's just that the Lu family is too low-key. No one knows who Mrs. Lu is yet! I just went to find out what Lu Jingli said. He even said personally that his sister-in-law will come tonight!"

"Oh my god! Looks like I'm going to fall out of love!"

"It's not just you. I don't know how many women are about to fall out of love, okay? I don't know which woman is so lucky. I should say, I don't know which woman is so powerful that she can turn a man like Lu Tingxiao into a soft, finger-wrenching girl. It would be a long time ago." I heard that Lu Tingxiao is very fond of that woman..."

Alyssa was embarrassed just now and was still sulking. Regardless of Li Muyan's obstruction, she angrily walked up to Ning Xi and began to question, "Ning Xi, what did you mean just now? You deliberately humiliated me and Brother Muyan. ?"

When Ning Xi heard this, she raised her eyebrows slightly with an expression of confusion, "Humiliation? It's you, Miss Lisa, who won. How do you start with the word humiliation?"

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