Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 2105 The male god has a master

Biquge, the fastest update, may you shine brightly!

There are thousands of stars above the head, and the colored lights hanging around give the lawn a dreamy glow.

In the center of the venue, a handsome man and a girl as bright and moving as the sun in front of him stared at each other quietly.

This scene is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

Seeing Lu Tingxiao hugging Ning Xi and kissing her tenderly, hearing Lu Tingxiao's words, and hearing the two extremely affectionate words "ma'am", all those wealthy ladies who were commenting on Ning Xi's clothes just now all turned their heads. Already stunned.

Alyssa was still angry because Ning Xi had overestimated her ability to steal a man from her. At this moment, her delicate and sweet face looked like she had seen a ghost, staring blankly at the two people who were so intimate next to her. .

Not to mention the expression of Li Muyan behind him.

The woman whom Lu Tingxiao loved so much, the legendary Mrs. Lu... turned out to be Ning Xi!

What Ning Xi just said was not an excuse to get out of trouble, but it was true. She was really... married...

After a brief silence, the scene was in an uproar.

"Oh my god! Ning...Ning Xi is Mrs. Lu!!!"

"Lu Tingxiao's wife is Ning Xi? This is amazing!"

In an instant, everyone seemed to suddenly understand why Ning Xi was wearing such a color tonight.

He is the rightful owner, right?

Except for her, no one else has the right to wear such colors and clothes!

It's ridiculous that each of them is deliberately dressing low-key, for fear of stealing Mrs. Lu's limelight. Mrs. Lu's limelight is afraid that no one can steal it.

Lu Tingxiao naturally let the girl hold his arm, glanced at everyone present, and announced the start of the banquet, "Thank you all for coming today. My wife and I are honored. I hope you all have a pleasant night."


It’s so happy to see the male god have a master...

Lu Tingxiao's fans who came here specially today were stuffed with a lot of dog food, and they almost cried from being tortured.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Tingxiao has always been unfeminine and like a flower on the mountain. Many people even thought that he liked men.

Who would have known that this silent man would have already become a blockbuster, using his big moves to show off his affection and become so ferocious that it makes one’s heart tremble!

"How could this be! How could it be Ning Xi!!!"

"Although Ning Xi is very beautiful, I admit that, but in terms of status and family background, she is not worthy of Lu Tingxiao, right?"

"That's right! This would be understandable if she were the second young master's wife, but this is the position of the matron of the Lu family!"

No matter how unconvinced you are, this is a definite fact.

No matter how many people don't want to admit it, the beautiful pair not far away is really pleasing to the eye.

A group of wealthy ladies were muttering in dissatisfaction, and there was another low voice at the entrance.

"Ah! It's General Zhuang!" someone exclaimed.

I saw that the old man had silver-white hair, but he was strong and energetic. Even though he was not wearing a military uniform, he still looked like he had come from the battlefield. The middle-aged man next to him had a similar aura, but was sharper and colder, with a pair of eagle eyes. With a stunning luster.

Zhuang Zongren was followed on the left by Zhuang Liaoyuan, and on the right was Meng Linlang, who was wearing a cheongsam and looked as noble and elegant as ever.

Behind him, there are Zhuang Keer, who is dignified and bright in a Zeling couture dress, and Zhuang Rongguang, who is tall and straight in military uniform.

This family is extremely eye-catching, and everyone in the venue was immediately attracted.

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